Miss Lewis' Birthday Timeline

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    I was born in New York.
  • Period: to

    My Birthdays

  • My Third Birthday

    My Third Birthday
  • My 4th Birthday

    My 4th Birthday
    My second grade teacher's name was Mrs. Rose. I remember she had curly red hair and was really nice.
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    I started first grade at Thomas J. Watson Elementary in New York. My first grade teacher was Mrs. Doolittle.
  • My sixteenth Birthday

    My sixteenth Birthday
    I spent this Birthday skiing with my friends. I got my permit and my first car!
  • Prom

  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I graduated high school with my closest friends. I was excited to start college!
  • I Moved to Florida

    I moved to Jacksonville, Florida all by myself. I was moving to finish my college degree at the University of North Florida.
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    I graduated college from the University of North Florida. This was the first time my family came to visit me in Florida.
  • I got engaged!

    I got engaged!
    Brad asked me to marry him. I can't wait until March 24, 2012!
  • My 28th Birthday

    My 28th Birthday
    My golden Birthday! You all made this day very special for me.