Special pencil - positive
Got my first pencil at FAO Schwartz. Drawing became my new favorite thing. Never would put the pencil down, wrote and/or made everything with it. -
Movie - negative
Watched the movie "It" with my cousin. Still scared of clowns to this day. -
Book reading - positive
Would read and talk about books every nigth before going to sleep with my father. One of the best memories I have as a child. Also helped promote my love for reading. -
Office - Negative
Got sent to the principal's office for having my name in a mean note (and I didn't even write it!!!). -
Tickets - Positive
Won tickets for a concert while listening to the radio. Called in to answer the question. I got through with just one call. -
Cell Phone - positive
Got my first personal cell phone. -
Internet - Negative
Slept in from spending all night online talking with friends through AIM. Ended up being really late for school. -
Texting - positive
Got texting on my phoen and spent hours tlaking with friends through it. Replaced having to use AIM. -
Texting - negative
Got phone taken away from me during class for texting other friends. -
Facebook - positive
Got an account with facebook. Started making events and socializing with many new college friends. -
Facebook - negative
Was being stalked by many "creepers" on facebook by constantly getting messages. Ended up canceling account for a period of time. -
Blackberry - positive
Got my first Blackberry. Started using it to browse online. Really helped when driving to friends' colleges and needed to look up directions on mapquest if got lost. -
Online learning - positive
Able to take online class rather than have to drive down to campus on Pitt. Flexible with my schedule!