
Thomas' Vietnam timeline

  • beging of the veitnam war

    beging of the veitnam war
    when the communist spread to the newly freed country of north veitnam they began to create a communist goverment with Ho Chi Minh in charge and his VeitMinh followers and the Veitcong which opposed south veitnam
  • the U.S gets involved

    the U.S gets involved
    the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allowed U.S ground troops to go into Veitnam
  • The Marines

    The Marines
    nearly 3,500 US marines where in vietnam
  • Attack on US planes

    Attack on US planes
    US F-4C phantoms where targeted by The North Vietnam after they began a bombing on the city of Kang Chi
  • 101st Airborn arrived in vietnam

    101st Airborn arrived in vietnam
    the paratroopers of 101st airborne began droping in vietnam, Cam Ranh Bay
  • Marines take the fight to the Vietcong

    Marines take the fight to the Vietcong
    5,500 marines destroyed a vietcong base Quang Nagi
  • Anti-War Demonstraters Appear

    Anti-War Demonstraters Appear
    the Anti-War protest where heating up as a group of about 50 americans where expected to be aiding the vietcong and when they disturbed the meeting all of them would be arrested
  • The Tet Offensive began

    The Tet Offensive began
    on the tet lunar new year celebration the south vietnamese called for a truce but the vietcong and the north attacked them anyway
  • The Execution Brings More Problems than it fixes

    The Execution Brings More Problems than it fixes
    When a south vietnamese chief of police kill's a vietcong officer in the streets right in front of reporters and journalist the protest in america got even worse
  • The Massacres

    The Massacres
    Lt. William Calley led a massacre of south vietnamese at My Lai and he was court marshalled
  • The Secret Negotiations

    The Secret Negotiations
    week long negotiations in paris betwwen Xuan Thuy and henry kissinger began but in the end they ultimatly failed
  • The National gaurd kill protesters and cambodia

    The National gaurd kill protesters and cambodia
    Pres. Nixon order an incursion of cambodia to destroy NLF's sanctruies bordering south vietnam this would lead to riots in kent state which led to students being shot to death
  • the fall of saigon and the end of the war

    the fall of saigon and the end of the war
    the U.S withdrawl from south vietnam and the fall of saigon begins