Jan 1, 1524
Martin Luther
The Reformation -
Old Deluder Satan Act
The Enlightenment Experiment
1800 - 1850: The Enlightenment experiement was a shift in though that children with delays in custodial care had the ability to learn and grow when provided an appropriate placement or location of treatment & eduction. -
First General Compulasory School Law
Massachusetts -
Laws for State school and school tax
The Committee of Ten
NEA appoints a ten person committee to outline a curriculum for the public school system. -
John Dewey
Was very vocal and created many works on the education system and curriculum -
The Progressive Era
1890 - 1925: The Progressive Era brough forth the new idea that science could be extended into the social realm. Students demonstrating delays could be identified through new professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and special education teachers. -
Superintendents & the National Educational Association created
Edward Thorndike
Played a great role in taking a pscyhological view on creating educational curriculum. -
John Fanlkin Bobbitt
Wrote several books which focused on and influenced public education and curriculum -
The Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education
1) Heath
2) Command of Fundatmental Processes
3) Worthy Home Membership
4) Vocation
5) Civic Education
6) Worthy Use of Leisure
7) Ethical Character -
Ralph W. Tyler
Wrote: Basic Prinicples of Curriculum and Instruction
This work set forth four questions that should be answered when developing curriculum 1) What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?
2) What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these puproses?
3) How can these educational expereinces be effectively organized?
4) How can we determien whether these purposes are being attained? -
Benjamin Bloom
Wrote: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1: The Cognitive Domain
This book identified six levels wihin the cognitive domain -
Fenwick W. English
1970 - 1980's: Introduced Curriclulum Mapping & developed the Curriculum Audit. -
Programmatic Regimentation
1975 - 2000: With the creation of IDEA and it's full implementation, concern was placed on: Where children were taught, What children were taught, and by Whom they were taught. -
Madeline Hunter
1976 - 1990's: Created "The Seven Step Lesson Plan" to assist in effect planning and instruction -
Publication of a Nation at Risk
Outlined the concerns pertaining to the public education system -
Howard Gardner
Creator of "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Mulitple Intelligences" - which indicates that there is more than one way to be intelligent -
Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics
First national set of standards created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics -
Goals 2000: Educate America Act
President Bill Clinton signed this Act that created a council to certify national & state standards & assessments -
Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Has helped public school systems implement and use curriculum mapping -
Richard DuFour
Created Professional Learning Communities to for school improvement -
Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe
Understanding by Design - tools used to improve student acheivement by identifying the teachers' important role in the process -
Carol Ann Tomlinson
The Differentiated Classrom: Responding to the Needs of All Learning - providing students with varying ways and opportunites to obtain the educational information -
No Child Left Behind Act
President George W. Bush signed this act into law that ties the implementation of standards in schools to federal fundings -
H. Lynn Erickson
Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction: indicating that curriculum is more than facts - it should be undesrtood on a conceputal level to be retained