• Babay boom begins

    Babay boom begins
    the baby boom begins at the end of WWII and produces a large generation
  • Baby and Child care

    Baby and Child care
    Baby and child care released, demonstrated stereotypical suburban america
  • first Levittown

    first Levittown
    William levitt builds original levittown, the stereotype for the 50s suburbs
  • truman desegregates Military

    truman desegregates Military
    truman desegregates the armed forces to lead the way in civil rights
  • truman elected

    truman elected
    truman reelected over Dewey in surprise victory
  • social security act of 1950

    social security act of 1950
    act in the fair deal that expanded SS
  • Eisenhower elected

    Eisenhower elected
    eisenhower victorious over adlai stevenson
  • department of Health education and welfare

    department of Health education and welfare
    consolidates welfare programs to one department
  • Brown V BOE topeka

    Brown V BOE topeka
    segregation is made illegal by a supreme court decision
  • 54 midterms

    54 midterms
    midterm shows democrat support that eisenhower must overcome
  • montgomerry bus boycott

    montgomerry bus boycott
    The montgomery bus Boycott begins due to the arrest of Rosa Parks
  • NAtional Highway act

    NAtional Highway act
    NAtional highway act passed by eisenhower to rebuild infrastructure
  • Eisenhower reelected

    Eisenhower reelected
    eisenhower defeats stevenson again with suport from korean war
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Nine black students originally denied from high school, eisenhower sends in troops to protect them
  • vanguard

    american vanguard rocket fails on take off
  • On the Road

    On the Road
    Jack keroac sets the tone for the beat movement with on the road
  • prayer pilgrimage

    prayer pilgrimage
    MLK leads pilgrimage on aniversity of Brown v BOE
  • 1957 civil rights law

    1957 civil rights law
    Congress passes first civil rights law since reconstruction, creates comission on civil rights
  • Sputnik

    soviets launch sputnik and strike fear in americans
  • SNCC formed

    SNCC formed
    Student nonviolent coordinating commitee formed to coordinate student protesters