Chapter 10 Lowe

  • Congress of Vienna

    Clemens von Metternich said that a United Germany would require them to dismantle the governments of the states. The congress decided to make the German Confederation lead by Austria.
  • Otto von Bismark

    King William I made Otto von Bismark the Prime Minister of Prussia.
  • War on Denmark

    Bismark made an alliance with Austria and went to war seizing Denmark. Prussia and Austria split the land that was gained.
  • War on Austria

    Prussia went to war with their once alliances, Austria. Prussia was victorious and proceeded to take control of many other German states.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Prussia went to war with France in the Franco-Prussian war. The Prussians won proving Germany was the most dominate nation in Europe.
  • The 2nd Reich

    King William I of Prussia was givin the title of Kaiser and the 2nd Reich began. German princes declared the new German empire at Versailles.
  • Kulturkampf

    Bismark passed laws that made life hard on Catholics to try and ensure loyalty to the state.
  • The Iron Chancellor

    Bismark was now William I's Chancellor and was now known as The Iron Chancellor because of his militarism tactics of using "iron and blood" to make Germany stronger.
  • Kulturkampf

    The Catholic people still stood by the church strongly so Bismark was forced to drop the laws and make peace with the Pope.
  • William I Dies

    Kaiser William I dies leaving his grandson to become Kaiser .
  • Kaiser William II

    William II becomes Kaiser after his grandfathers death. William II also believes in militarism.
  • Bismark Resigns

    William II asked Bismark to resign. He believed his power came from God and no longer wanted to be in Bismark's shadow.