Ch. 15 Timeline

By wrendek
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
  • Confederacy is Founded

    Confederacy is Founded
  • Fort Sumter is Fired Upon and Surrenders to Condederate Forces

    Fort Sumter is Fired Upon and Surrenders to Condederate Forces
  • Upper South Secedes

    Upper South Secedes
  • South Wins Battle at Bull Run

    South Wins Battle at Bull Run
  • New Orleans is Captured for the Union

    New Orleans is Captured for the Union
  • McClellan Stops Lee at Battle of Antietam

    McClellan Stops Lee at Battle of Antietam
  • South Wins Second Battle of Bull Run

    South Wins Second Battle of Bull Run
  • Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation
  • Lee Wins Battle at Fredericksburg

    Lee Wins Battle at Fredericksburg
  • Lee Wins at Chancellorville

    Lee Wins at Chancellorville
  • North Wins Battles at Gettysburg and Vicksburg

    North Wins Battles at Gettysburg and Vicksburg
  • Grant Wins at Chattanooga

    Grant Wins at Chattanooga
  • Atlanta Loses to Sherman

    Atlanta Loses to Sherman
  • Lincoln is Relected

    Lincoln is Relected
  • Sherman Marches Through Virginia

    Sherman Marches Through Virginia
  • Thirteenth Amendement is Passed

    Thirteenth Amendement is Passed
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
  • Remaining Confederate Troops Surrender

    Remaining Confederate Troops Surrender
  • Lee Surenders at Appomattax

    Lee Surenders at Appomattax