
Revolutionary War

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    A long and expensive war between France and Britain and their Native American allies for control over North America. After Britian won the war King George III began taxing colonists to pay for the war, which angered them.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

  • Prolamation of 1763

    An order in which prohibited its American colonists from settling west of the Appalatian Mountains. Colonists were angered by this because they thought they had won the right to settle the Ohio River Valley.
  • The Sugar Act

    A law passed by Parliment in 1764 that placed a tax on sugar, mollases, and other products shipped to the colonies, it also called for harsh punishment of smugglers. This angered colonial merchants, who offten traded with smuggled goods.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    A law passed by Parliment that required virtually all paper products, newspaper, magazines, licenses, and playing cards, to carry a stamp showing that tax was paid. the colonists had to pay the tax in silver coin, a rare item in the conies, which caused colonists to vigorisly protest.
  • The Quartering Act

    A law passed by Parliment that required the colonists to house and supply over 10,000 British troops, the majority of which went to New York. Colonists were outraged because this was an invasion of their privacy, and they had to pay for the troops supplies.
  • The Townsend Act

    A series of laws passed by Parliment that suspended the New York assembly and taxed goods imported to the colonies. These acts taxed lead, paper, paint, and tea and they strengthened Britian's power over the colonies. Colonists were angered about the new taxes and New Yorkers were upset that their assembly had been halted.
  • The Declaratory Act

    A law that ststed Parliment had supream authority over the colonies. This creaed tension in the colonies over who was in control.
  • Boston Non-Importation Agreement.

    When colonists in Boston agreed not to buy items imported from Britian. Shopkeepers did not sell British goods and colonists made their own clothes . This caused British trade to fall sharply, and it increased the amount of smuggled items. More British troops were sent to the colonies after customs officers found smuggled goods. This increse in troops angered the colonists even more.
  • Boston Massacrer

    Boston Massacrer
    A clash between British solidiers and Boston colonists in which 5 colonists, including Cripus Attucks, were killed. Boston colonists were outraged and colonists were even angrier after they saw Paul Rever's propaganda in the newspaper.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act was left after the repel of the Townsend Acts to show that Britian still had power over the colonies. It gave the British East India Company complete control over the colonies tea trade. This outraged colonial shippers and merchants who had smuggled tea in from Holland, and it angered colonists who never had to pay a tax on the smuggled tea.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Colonists protesting the Tea Act dumped 342 boxes of British tea into Boston Harbor. Britian wanted repayment for the tea and for the people responsible for destroying the tea to be brought to justice, but Britians reaction only fanned the flames of rebellion in the colonies.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    March 31- June 22, 1774 A series of laws enacted by Parliment to puish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party. These acts involed closing Port of Boston, banning commities of correspondence, and allowing British troops to be housed in private homes. This aroused colonists who immediatly supported Massachusetts by sending them food and supplies.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    September 4-October 16, 1774 When delegates from all of the colonies, except Georgia, voted to ban all trade with Britian until the Intolerable Acts were repeled. This meeting also called each colony to begin training troops for milita. This congrees planted the seeds for future rebellion against Britain.
  • Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty, or give me death" speech

    Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty, or give me death" speech
    Patrick Henry was one of the few colonial leaders that thought war with Britian was nessessary. In his speech he says that colonists were already fighting Britian while they are ideling, and that he would die for liberty. His speech convinced Virgina, the most powerful colony, to join the rebellion against Britian.
  • Paul Rever and William Dawes "Midnigt Rides"

    Paul Rever and William Dawes "Midnigt Rides"
    Paul Rever and William Dawes rode to Lexington and told colonists that the British were coming. They were joined by Dr. Sammuel Prescott in Lexington. When Rever and Dawes were captured by a British patrol, Prescott rode to Concord and spread the news that the British were attacking to the rest of the colonists
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    700 British troops defeated 70 milita men in Lexington. They marched to Concord and destroyed military supplies, but retreated when a battle broke out. 4,000 milita men lined the road from Lexington to Concord and fired on the retreating British troops. This conflict divided families and friends into either Loyalists or Patriots.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress meet in Philedalphia. The delegates included John and Sam Adams, John Hancock, Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Patrick Henry. They decided to form a Continental Army . They also authorized the printing of paper money to pay troops. The Congress began acting like a real government.
  • Washington named Commander and Chief of the Continental Army and Navy

    Washington named Commander and Chief of the Continental Army and Navy
    George Washington was named Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and Navy, because he had served as an officer for the British during the French and Indian war. He was also a very smart and respected military leader. This gave the Continental Army someone to lead them against the British.
  • Ft. Ticonderoga seized by Ethan Allan and Green Mountian Boys

    Ethan Allan lead his group of backwoodsmen called the Green Mountain Boys to Britian's Fort Ticonderoga on the New York side of Lake Champlain. They captured the fort and its large supply of artillery. The artillery would later be used to drive the British out of Boston.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Milita men had seized Breeds Hill and Bunker Hill. General William Howe lead 2,200 British solidiers against Bunker Hill. The milita unleased fire on the British and the British fell back. The British charged again and drove the colonists off the hill. The British won the battle, but they lost 1,000 men compared to the 400 colonists who died.
  • American forces under Benedict Arnold fail to seize Quebec

    December 30-31 Benedict Arnold, who had a role in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, lead the expedition to Quebec. The goal was to get the Canadians to join the patriots. Arnold lead the troops across Main and they arrived in Quebec during winter. they failed to seize Quebec in the harsh conditions.
  • Thomas Paine Publishes 'Common Sense"

    Thomas Paine Publishes 'Common Sense"
    "Common Sense" challenged whether the king ruled by the will of God. It called him a "Royal Brute" and stated that the monarchy was corrupt. "Common Sense" sold 100,000 copies in 3 months, and it convinced colonists who wanted to avoid a final break with Britian that American independence was nessecary. It turned the call for independence into a roar.
  • British Evacuate Boston

    The Continental Army surronded British troops in Boston. Neither side was able to break the standoff, Washington's cannons arrived and he threatened to bombard the city. General Howe withdrew his troops and 9,000 British Solidiers left Boston on over 100 ships. About 1,000 Loyalists left with the British, and the anti-British feeling in Boston grew stronger.
  • Declaration of Independence Adopted

    Declaration of Independence Adopted
    Congress adopted the document that proclaimed independense. The Declairation of Independence is based on the philosophy by John Locke that all men are created equal and have rights that the government cannot take away. America had declaired independence, but they still had to win freedom on the battlefield.
  • Hessian Mercinaries Arrive to fight for British

    British solidiers usually signed up for life which discouraged enlistment, so Britian needed mercinaries. Britian hired Hessian Mercinaries from Germany where King Charles of Hesse-Kassel was selling solidiers to foreign powers in order to improve finances. These mercinaries increased Britians numbers over the colonies.
  • British Win Battle of Long Island, New York

    General Howe defeated Washington at Long Island, where Washingtons troops were sread thinly. Washington retreated and regrouped his men at Harlem Heights, Howe failed to drive Wasington from Harlem Heights and he passed his campain. The Continental Army had lost Long Island, but still fought for New York.
  • British Occupy New York City

    After several weeks of fighting General Washington was finally forced to retreat through New Jersey. Britian had won New York, and by the time Washington's men crossed the Deleware River to Pennsylvannia they were weary and discouraged.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington's troops rowed back across the icy Deleware River in the winte to New Jersey. There they suprised the Hessians, who had just celebrated Christmas, and captured or killed over 900 of them. This battle encouraged Washington's troops and made them want to stay and fight.
  • Continental Army wins at Princeton

    8 days after the Battle of Trenton Washington won another battle at Princeton. This proved that Washigton was a better leader than most people thought. This victory also attracked new recruits, which gave the Continental Army more men.
  • Marquis de Lafayette arrives in colonies

    Marquis de Lafayette arrives in colonies
    Marquis de Lafayette was a 19 year old French nobleman who wanted a military career. He quickly gained Washington's confidence and was given command of a division. Troops also respected him because he shared their hardships and bought them clothing with his own money. Lafayette also persuaded the French King to send 6,000 soldiers to America. This increased the Continental Army's skill and numbers.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    September 19-October 17, 1777 Burgone's British army was badly defeated at the Battle of Bennington. His army continued toward Albany when the Continental Army stopped them at Bemis Heights. General Gates stopped the British while General Arnold continually charged them. The British fell back to their camp at Saratoga where the Continental Army surronded them and fired at them all night. The British surrendered the next day. This victory attracted European nations that would later help America.
  • British occupy Philadalphia

    General Howe attacked Pennsulvania in hopes of capturing George Washington and seizing Philedalphia, where the Continental Congress met. Howe defeated Washington, but did not, capture him at the Battle of Brandywine. This gave the British control of Pennsylvania.
  • British win Battle of Germantown

    The Battle of Germantown was a battle in Pennsulvania between General Washington and General Howe. Washington thought his men were experienced enough to defeat the British. He was wrong and the Continental Army was defeated at the Chew House, which was occupied by the British. This victory ensured that Philedalphia would remain in British hands for the winter of 1777-1778.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Solidiers did not enough food or warm clothing at Valley Forge. Over 1/4 of them died of malnutrition, exposer to cold, and diseses like smallpox and typoid fever. Despite the harsh conditions solidiers still trained and they learned bayononett fighting from Baron Von Stueben. This showed that American solidiers had amazing endurance and would not desert because of hardships.
  • U.S. and France form offical alliance

    France waited to offically alliance itself with the U.S. until America proved itself at the Battle of Saratoga. France sent much needed funds, supplies, and troops to America, and it convinced its ally Spain to help the colonies as well. This caused Britian to fight a war on multiple fronts with multiple enemies, so th British troops were spread more thinnly.
  • British abandon Philedalphia and return to NY city

    After almost 9 months of occupation 15,000 British troops lead by General William Howe and Henry Clinton abandoned Philedalphia. The British traveled to New York City, a more secure location, by land in order to avoid the French fleet. This allowed the Continental Army to take back Pennsulvania without any bloodshed.
  • British capture Port of Savannah, Georgia

    The British captured the Port of Savannah in Georgia to use as a base. From the port the British conquered most of Georgia. This gave the British some control in the south so they could work their way up the colonies.
  • Battle of Vincennes/Fort Sackville

    George Rogers Clark lead his group of frontiersmen to Fort Sackville. The British were not expecting an attack since the roads were flooded, but Clark's men slogged through waist deep mud to reach the fort. The British tried to stay in their fort, but Clark acted like he had a larger force than he really did and he hanged Native Americans loyal to England in plain view of the fort. The British surrendered and gave the colonies the region between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes.
  • Spain declares war on Britian

    Spain declares war on Britian
    Spanish general Bernando de Galvez captured British strongholds in Natchez and Baton Rouge along the Mississippi River Valley. From these his small armies took Mobile and Pensicola in West Florida. Galvez's victories forced Britian to send more troops to fight the Spanish, and they also expanded Spain's empire in North America.
  • Battle of Flamborough Head

    Battle of Flamborough Head
    John Paul Jones led the "Bonhomme Richard" against 2 better armed British vessels guarding supply ships. The British captain asked Jones if he wanted to surrender and Jones replied "I've not yet begun to fight". The "Bohomme Richard" rammed the "Serpis" and they fired at point blank range. The mast broke off the "Serpis" so the British surrendered and Jones sailed the "Serpis" home becase the "Bohomme Richard" eventually sank due to holes.
  • British capture Charleston, South Carolina

    General Henry Clinton led the British forces to South Carolina. Thy trapped the American forces in Charleston, the largest southern city. The 5,000 Americans defending Charleston surrendered. This caused the Americans to loose almost their entire southern army, and it was America's worst defeat of the war.
  • First French arrive to help American War effort

    When Frach allied itself with America it sent needed troops to help the war effort. Some Frence leaders like the Marquis de Lafayette were also sent. The French gave the Americans more experienced troops and leaders as well as new fighting techniques that helped Americans in battles against the British.
  • General Benedict Arnold commits treason

    General Benedict Arnold commits treason
    September 21-September 25, 1780 Benedict Arnold was shot in the leg during the battles of Saratoga. While he was recovering he married a Loyalist women. He felt that Congress had not rewarded him enough for his heroic actions, so he betrayed his army. He planned to turn an American fort over to the British, but his plot was discovered before he could carry it out. He did manage to escape, but to this day Benedict Arnold means traitor.
  • Battle of King's Mountain, North Carolina

    The Americans surronded 1,000 Loyalist milita and British troops at the border of North and South Carolina. The Americans slaughtered most of them, and those who survived were later hung or shot. King's Mountain was one of Britian's first loses in the south, but it soon suffered more.
  • Articles of Confederation Adopted

    The national government of America had few powers because Americans thought that a strong government would lead to tyranny. The Articles of Confederation stated that the national government was run by a Confederation Congress, and that each state only got one vote. It also stated that the federal government could wage war, make peace, sign treaties, and issue money. This was America's first independent government system.
  • French Fleet drives British out of Chesapeak Bay

    French Fleet drives British out of Chesapeak Bay
    The French fleet blocked Chesapeak Bay before the Battle of Yorktown. They drove all of the British ships away, and they helped bombard the city. This prevented the British from getting needed supplies and from escaping.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    September 28-Otober 19, 1781 General Cornwallis set up base at Yorktown so he could get supplies by ships at the bay. However the French fleet blocked Chesapeak bay, and General Washington and General Jean Roshambeau surronded Yorktown. The Americans and French bombarded Yorktown with cannon fire and the British could not escape. General Cornwallis was forced to surrender and the Americans won the last major battle of the war.
  • British troops return to Britian

    July 1782-November 1782 It took over 3 months for all of the British troops to leave the colonies on ships. When the last of the ships left the Americans moved into New York City, and General Washington said his farwell to all of his men. When the British troops left the colonies were, at last, independent.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris offically ended the Revolutionary War. It stated that the U.S. was independent from Britian, and owned all land west of the Mississippi River, south of Canada, and north of Florida. It also stated that each side would repay its debts to the other, and that Britian would return any people they captured. Neither side lived up to their terms, but the treaty still made peace.
  • U.S. Constitution Signed

    U.S. Constitution Signed
    At first people did not think America's national government needed strengthening. However Shaye's Rebellion in 1786 changed their minds.Delegates from all the colonies, except Rhode Island, meet in Pennsylvania. They spent 4 months debating on the best way to keep the United States from falling apart. In 1787 the Constitution was created and signed. This set up the basis for all of America's future governments.