Cold War

  • NATO Pact

    NATO Pact
    United States and Canada and 10 other countries made a military alliance system called NATO: North Alantic Treaty Organization, so that if any of them were under attack they would have help and support.
  • Period: to

    Nuclear Arms Race

    Hydrogen BombThe Soviet Union had developed Nuclear bombs just like the United States did in WWII. Then in 1953 both sides developed Hydrogen bombs.
  • Korean Conflict

    Korean Conflict
    After WWII Korea was then split in to North Korea and South Korea. North Korea attacked South Korea and America being alliances with South Korea helped them. Then when China was alarmed about all of the fighting happening to the divided country they helped Noth Korea. Eventually it becaomes a stalemate.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Berlin split into democratic West Berlin and communist East Berlin. West Berlin became showcase for West Germany prosperity. Massive exodus of low paid East Germans we very unhappy with communism and fled to West Berlin.
  • Missle Crisis

    Missle Crisis
    The Soviet Union sent Nuclear missles to Cuba. Presiden Kennedy then had a naval blockade that stopped Soviet shipments and demanded that the Soviet Union remove its Missles from Cuba.
  • Vietnam Conflict

    Vietnam Conflict
    Western and communist powers have agreed temporaly divide Vietnam. Ho and his communists controlled North Vietnam. The Non communist government led by Ngo dinh Diem was supported by the United State, ruled South Vietnam. Some of the South Vietnamese people saw Ho Chi Minh a national hero, but his communist rule in the North alienated some Vietnamese. Alot of Catholic and pro french Vietinamese fled to the South
  • Chinese Civl war

    Chinese Civl war
    In 1966 a Chinese man named Mao Zedong lead the communist into the Civil War against the Nationalists lead by Jiang Jieshi. The Communist won and China was finally after years of struggle under Communist Control
  • Soviets In Afganistan

    Soviets In Afganistan
    Soviet Union became involved in the long war in Afganistan. A Soviet supported Afghan government tried to modernize the nation. And the land lords in Afganistan commanded armed men as warlords and said that it threatened Islamic tradition.
  • Easter European Indepence