Civil rights

Civil Rights

  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    The first Black Professional baseball player. He broke the color line when he was debuted with the 1947 Brooklyn Dogers.
  • Dixiecrats

    A short lived segregationist political party that was very against racial intergration. They wanted to resort back to the Jim Crow laws and White Supremecy.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    Truman signs Executive Order 9981 which says "it is herby declared to be policy of the president that there shall be equality of treatment & opportunity for all persons with out regard to race, color, religion or national origin."
  • Brown Vs. Board of Edu.

    Brown Vs. Board of Edu.
    Thurgood Marshall & NAACP lawyers win "Brown vs. Board of Edu" case. Winning this case then said that public schools could no longer be segregated.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    Emmett Till was brutally murdered by two white men (JW Malam & Ray Bryant) They were arrested but come out not guilty after being put infront of an all white jury. They later brag about committing the murder in a magizine interview.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to give up her seat in the front of the colored section, this starts the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Southern Manifesto

    Southern Manifesto
    The second anniversary of the court case "Brown vs. Board of Education" Senator Walter F. George proposed the document. It was opposed to racial intergration in public places. 101 politians signed (99 Democrats and 2 Republicans).
  • SCLC

    Martin Luther King Jr. founded the Southern Christian Leadership Council and mobilized black churches.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    Nine black students set off for there first day at a white school. They were greeted by angry mobs. Ike sends the 101st airborne to make sure they make it threw the day.

    JFK was elected for president of the United States.