Canadian Timeline

  • Jun 24, 1497

    Founding of Newfoundland

  • Founding of Quebec City

  • Maisonnuve Finds Montreal

  • Founding Hudson Bay Company

  • Treaty of Utrecht

  • Battle of Louisbourg

  • Fall of Quebec

  • Paris Treaty

  • Quebec Act

    Signed to allow French Canadians 4 rights. Including Territory Rights, Law, Religious Rights, and land Rights.
  • Northwest Company Founded

  • Constitutional Act of 1791

  • Red River Settlement

    The Red Rvier Settlement was an uneasy cultural mix of the European, Settlers, Aboriginal People, and Metis. Winnpieg, as the settlement would bcome known reaches a politcial boiling point in the late 1860's
  • End of the War of 1812

  • Union Act

  • Charlottetown Conference

    It was not clear when the exact day, it only said between 1-9.
  • Confederation

    3 British colonies were formed into four Canadian provinces. The British Province of Canada was divided into the new Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and two other British colonies, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, also became provinces of Canada.
  • Manitoba Joins Canada

  • Northwest Rebellion

    Canada wants to expand to the west and to do so they must try to convince Manitoba to join the country.
  • Louis Riel Executed

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

  • Batlle of Ypres II

  • Battle of the Somme

  • Armistice Day

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • World War II

  • D-Day

  • Hitler Suicide

    Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot. His wife Eva committed suicide with him by ingesting poison.
  • Victory Day in Europe