Period: to
100 Years Of Education
Supplement Begins to Publication
The times educational supplement begins publication on September 6,as a free monthly with the Times -
Public Exam
Secondary schools report recommends that children take public exams at age 16.More then 80% of 14-18 revive no education at all. -
Teachers Union
The teachers union campaigns for a national salary scale. -
Fisher Education Act
The fisher education act raises school leaving age 12 to 14 and ends all fees for elementary schools. -
State Scholarship
State scholarship to universities introduced:200 initially,360 by 1936. -
Education Cuts
Geddes report on national expenditure leads to 6.5 million cuts in education. -
School started to revive computers in early 1980 -
The children act
the legislative part of every child maters is designed to get education and social services closer together. -
The Education and Adoption
The education and adoption bill is published singling the introduction of the coasting category of schools. -
2018 school
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