100 Events US History

  • Settlement of Jamestown

  • Province of Pensylvannia Founded

  • Glorious Revolution deposes James in favour of William and Mary

  • French and Indian Wars commence

  • Sugar Act enacted

  • Stamp Act Congress

  • Townshend Act

  • Boston Tea Party

  • First Continental Congress

  • Second Continental Congress Passes Declaration of Independence

  • Treaty of Paris Ends Revolutionary War

  • US Bill of Rights Ratified

  • Yellow Fever Outbreak in Philadelphia

  • Library Congress Founded

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Lewis and Clark Set Out

  • Slave Trade Ended in Britain

  • War of 1812 Began

  • Burning of Washington: British Troops Burn Washington

  • Battle of New Orleans, War of 1812

  • Monroe Doctrine Proclaimed

  • Oregon Trail Came into Use

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Department of Indian Affairs Established

  • Texas Revolution Commences

  • Battle of the Amlamo

  • Oberlin college begins admitting female students

  • Mexican-American War Begins

  • California Gold Rush Begins

  • Japan is forcibly opened

  • First transatlantic cable laid