#10 years challenge E.T (2000-2010)

  • Constructivist Teory

    Constructivist Teory
    This decade is related to the constructivist theory since the learning process takes place as interactive, so that the learner has control over their learning thanks to the new technologies that emerged at that time.
  • Resources

    Information platforms such as google, managed to present relevant results and sources to students and society in general. As well as, in this year the platform was placed in the first place among the preferences of Internet users. The digital age of web 2.0 allowed portals such as Myspace and Email to be a tool to share information.
    Contreras L. (2011). Historia de Google. Historia de la información. Sitio web: https//histin.blogs.upv.es/2011/02/11historia-de-google/
  • Material/Media

    In 2001, Wikipedia emerged for the first time as the reference for Internet work, as well as the most well-known and extensive encyclopedia of the world.
    Pérez Porto, Julián y Merino, María. Publicado: 2010. Actualizado: 2013.
    Definicion.de: Definición de Wikipedia (https://definicion.de/wikipedia/)
  • Teacher's role

    Teacher's role
    During this decade a new concept for the role of the teacher of the 2.0 era appears, which mentions that it must be an organizer, guide, counselor, manager of learning, and tutor. At the same time, an attempt is made to achieve a better teacher-student interaction.
    Bates,T. (2015). Teaching in a Digital Age.
  • Student's role

    Student's role
    In this decade there is also a change in the student's role, so they pass from being passive students to being the protagonist of their own learning process. Some of its new characteristics should be creativity, information management, problem solving, among others.
    Cabero, J. (2007): Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación, Madrid, McGraw-Hill,15,271-274.
  • Material

    Broadband was key in the development of web 2.0 and expansion of videos and audios on the internet. In this decade audiovisual technologies began to be useful in classrooms. (slides / discs / tv / recorders) REDACCION EL TIEMPO 17 de mayo 2005 , 12:00 a.m.
  • Media

    The first iPhone 2G renewed the cellular industry with a full touch screen and contained internet services such as email, wifi, bluetooth to share and design information. (2018).La evolución del iPhone.2019, de infobae Sitio web: https://www.infobae.com/america/fotos/2018/01/09/laevolucion-del-iphone/