10 revolutionary inventions

  • 1440

    The Prinnting Press

    The Prinnting Press
    The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 1440 but in 1450 he perfected this maching and do commercially
  • Clock

    Christian Huygens invented the first precision clock named pendulum clock in 1656, until 1930 the pendulum clock was the most precise timekeeper
  • Refrigerator

    William Cullen demostrated the first refrigeration system in 1748 but Jacob Parkings create the first machine for practical refrigeration in 1834
  • Automobile

    The automobile was invented in Germany and France but USA quicly dominated the industry and years later Henry Ford innovated the production techniques
  • Camera

    Joseph Nicéphore invent the camera since 1816 and took the first photo in the history and now this camera is in the University of Texas-Austin
  • Computer

    Who invented the computer was a mathematician named Charles Babbage that started the project in 1819 and he patented the computer in 1832 and pass to the history
  • Telephone

    The inventor of the telephone was Both Alexander, Graham Bell and Elisha Gray but everyone have differents patent aplicattions for the telephone
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan because in 1860 Joseph create the light bulb using carbonized paper but in 1879 Edison demostrate his light bulb that used electricity and don't used carbonized paper
  • Airplane

    The first airplane was made by Wilbur and Orville Wright and they made the first successful flight in the history, wich stayed for 12 seconds on the air and flight 36 meters