1889 BCE
match book
Joshua Pusey invented the matchbook It made creating fires easier -
1887 BCE
contact lenses
F.E. Mueller and Adolf Fick co-invented contact lenses in Allowed people with glasses to play sports and look better without glasses -
1886 BCE
coca cola
John Pemberton invented Coca Cola It gave people a refreshing drink and set the way for other sodas. -
1878 BCE
toilet paper
The British Perforated Paper Company invented toilet paper. Made going to the bathroom a more pleasant trip and made hygene go up -
1877 BCE
moving pictures
Eadweard Muybridge invented moving pictures It provided entertainment and set the path for television. -
1876 BCE
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone it lets people communicate across the world easier and faster. -
1873 BCE
barbed wire
Joseph Glidden invented the barbed wire in 1873. It let ranchers keep cattle in, keeps people and other animals out -
1866 BCE
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite Dynamite made contruction and destruction and war easier -
1862 BCE
machine gun
Richard Gatling invented the first machine gun in 1862 It made war easier and it was faster than the otherguns -
1853 BCE
manned glider
George Cayley invents the first manned glider in 1853 It providid a fun thing for people of all ages. It helped with the idea of flight.