10 Moments in American History

  • The Founding of Jamestown

    British settlers seeking religious freedom landed in present day Virginia and with assistance from native Americans were able to flourish. The founding of Jamestown was the first step in establishing our country
  • American Revolution

    As British taxation and laws grew to be too much for Americans. Americans took arms and created a militia against the British. And where able to successfully over throw the British. From the first shot at Lexington and Concord to the signing of the declaration of independence. The american revolution is a staple in american grit and history establishing us as a new nation.
  • Civil War

    With the looming shadow of slavery hanging over america along with issues regarding territory and states rights. The first battle of the civil war at Fort Sumter erupted a war that would become the bloodiest war in american history and would lead to the end of slavery.
  • World War One

    While America was trying to practice isolationism European countries were at war with each other. America kept involvement to a minimum. But once German U-boats sunk U.S merchant ships. President Wilson asked congress for "a war to end all war".This was the first war where the draft was used. Which made America a military superpower
  • Great Depression

    With a stock market crash, a nation filled with people who have amassed major debt due to the over usage of credit, and companies expanding larger then they should it caused national suffering and poverty that affected all Americans.
  • World War Two

    Along side the war happening in Europe and after the attack on pearl harbor. America joined the allies in the war effort. World War 2 is arguably one of the most influential wars that america has been involved in. It Increased our economy and was a big helping hand against the great depression. As well the creation of the atomic bomb the most powerful weapon has created came out of World War 2.
  • MLK I Have a Dream Speech

    A staple in the civil rights movement. A progressive speech given by one of the most famous civil rights activist. it was a influential speech that pushed all the ideas of the civil rights movement to the fore front of America.
  • Moon Landing

    A major scientific achievement and a testament to american ingenuity. it was televised and it was the most view televised event in U.S. history.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attack

    The worse terrorist attack to happen in America. four planes where highjacked and crashed into various locations ( The World Trade Center, A field in virgina, and the Pentagon). this attacked changed america drastically bringing in new forms of homeland security.
  • Barack Obama Elected

    The presidential election in 2008 lead to Barack Obama being elected as American's 44th president. He became the first African American to hold the position of Commander in Chief. A major mile stone in America's history showing the growth and progress American had made over the course of a couple centuries.