10 Largest Earthquakes in the US

  • Cascadia Earthquake

    Cascadia Earthquake
    This is the 2nd largest earthquake in US history. It was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, and it destroyed Vancouver, Washington, and Oregon. IT also resulted in a tsunami.
  • Fort Tejon Earthquake

    Fort Tejon Earthquake
    6th largest earthquake in US history. It was a 7.9 magnitude earthquake, and it hit California. The shaking lasted for about 3 minutes.
  • Hawaii Earthquake

    Hawaii Earthquake
    This was the 7th largest earthquake in US history. It was a 7.9 magnitude earthquake, that hit Hawaii. This is the largest earthquake to hit Hawaii.
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    San Francisco Earthquake
    This was the 8th largest earthquake in US history. It was a 7.9 magnitude, and hit California. Scientists used this earthquake to form the elastic-rebound theory. Shaking lasted for about a minute.
  • Aleutian Islands Earthquake

    Aleutian Islands Earthquake
    This was the 4th largest earthquake in US history. It was a 8.6 magnitude, and hit Alaska. This earthquake resulted in a tsunami. This earthquake was the reason for the Seismic Sea Wave Warning System.
  • Andreanof Islands Earthquake

    Andreanof Islands Earthquake
    This was the 5th largest earthquake in US history. This was a 8.6 magnitude, and hit Alaska. This took place on the Aleutian Trench, the plate that divided the Pacific and North American plates. This quake also created a tsunami.
  • Alaska Earthquake

    Alaska Earthquake
    This is the largest earthquake in US history. It was a 9.2 magnitude, and hit Alaska. It is nicknamed the Good Friday Earthquake, and the Great Alaskin Earthquake. It sent tsunamis as far as California. 2nd largest ever.
  • Rat Islands Earthquake

    Rat Islands Earthquake
    This is the 3d largest earthquake in US history. It was a 8.7 magnitude, and hit Alaska. This quake also caused a tsunami. Surprisingly there was no reported deaths, and the damage was minor.
  • Denali Earthquake

    Denali Earthquake
    This is the 9th largest earthquake in US history. It was a 7.9 magnitude, and hit Alaska. Shaking lasted for about 3 minutes. It ruptured about 210 miles in 90 seconds.
  • Aleutian Islands (2nd one)

    Aleutian Islands (2nd one)
    This is the 10th largest earthquake in US history. It was a 7.9 magnitude, and hit Alaska. Likely caused by deformation in the within subjected slabs.