10 Key Historical Energy Events

  • 1698 Steam Engine

    1698 Steam Engine
    Thomas Savery patented a steam pump that used steam in direct contact with the water being pumped.
  • 1752 Nature of Electricity

    1752 Nature of Electricity
    Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by flying a kite with a key on the string during a lightning storm.
  • 1800 First Battery

    1800 First Battery
    Volta created the first modern day battery
  • 1837 Electric Motor

    1837 Electric Motor
    Thomas Davenport obtained the first patent in the US for an electric motor.
  • 1844 Electric Telegraph

    1844 Electric Telegraph
    The first news was dispatched by electric telegraph.
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    1855-1857 First Heat Pump

    Peter von Rittinger worked to develop and build the first heat pump.
  • 1876 Telephone

    1876 Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
  • 1879 Light Bulb

    1879 Light Bulb
    Thomas Edison patented the incandescent bulb
  • 1887 Wind Turbine

    1887 Wind Turbine
    Professor James Blyth built the first windmill to produce electricity.
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    1889-1891 Solar Engery

    Aleksandr Stoletov created the first solar cell based on the outer photoelectric effect.