Start of Electricity
One day, Ben Franklin decided to tie a key to a kite during a storm to prove that static electricity and lightning were the same thing. -
Thomas Davenport invented something called the "Electric Motor", which is used in many appliances today. -
A Fuel Cell
William Robert Grove invented the Fuel Cell, which makes electrical energy by combining hydrogen and oxygen. -
Photovoltaic Effect
The photovoltaic effect is the creation of an electric current in a material when exposed to light. -
Samuel Morse invented something called the "electric Telegraph" that allowed people to send telegraphs through an electric wire. -
And then there was Light
Thomas Edison invented a the first ever light bulb. (although at first it only lasted for 40 hrs before burning out) -
Energy Systen
William Stanley made the first induction coil transformer as well as an alternating current electric system. -
Charles Brush made the first ever wind turbine in order to generate electricity. -
Solar Power
Henry Becquerel observed the production of electricity from the sun and then experimented with electrolytic cells that were made of metal electrodes. -
Piero Ginori Conti invented the first ever geothermal electric power plant.