The Steam Engine was Developed
Thomas Savery invented the first crude steam engine. He based it off the pressure cooker created by Denis Papin a few centuries prior. -
First Electric Light was Invented
Humphry Davy created the first elecric light by connecting two wires to a battery and attached a charcoal strip between the other ends of the wires. This helped mining of deep seams a lot during this time. -
The First Oil Well in the United States
Edwin L. Drake and George Bissell work together on building the first oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania. The well took a year and a half to complete and was about 69 feet deep. -
Edison invents a practical incandescent, electric light
Thomas Edison used lower current electricity, a small carbonized filament and an improved vacuum, inside the globe. This produced a long lasing reliable source of light. -
The First Automobile was Invented
Even though there is no specific answer as to when the first automobile was invented it was believed to be created in 1886 by Karl Benz. This was powered by an internal combustion engine. -
The Hoover Dam Opened to the Public
The hoover dam spans the Colorado River in black canyon between Arizona and Nevada. It was originally known as the boulder dam and it’s was one of the world’s largest producers of hydroelectric power at the time. -
The First Silicon Solar Cell was Invented
Russell Ohl invented the first silicon solar cell. Previous solar cells had energy conversion efficiencies of less than one percent. -
Solar Panel Production Begins
The first modern silicon solar cell was invented and forecasting began of being able to use the sun to create unlimited energy. -
The First More Modern Day Battery was Invented
Alessandro Volta created the first more modern day battery, it was known as his voltaic pile. His pile was made with zinc and copper plates with vinegar (or brine dampened) pieces of leather or pasteboard placed between each plate.