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10 key dates/momenta

By Yes7578
  • 100 BCE


    In China paper is invented this allowed the beginning of easily writing down and remembering historical events and etc.
  • 1455

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    In 1455 Gutenberg invents the printing press which allowed the easy ability to copy and mass produce paper writings.
  • Photography

    In 1814 Photography is invented with being able to store visual records of people and history.
  • Telegraph

    In 1843 the telegraph is invented which allowed transmitting and receiving messages and communications from long distances.
  • Telephone

    In 1876 Bell invents the telephone which allowed people to have long distance conversations.
  • Film

    In 1898 the Lumiere Brothers present the first ever film.
  • Radio Broadcast

    Radio Broadcast
    In 1920 the first radio broadcast happened which helped birth the beginning of modern mass media and a radio allowed multiple people to hear the news at once or music.
  • Television

    In the 1950s Televisions started entering people’s homes as a source of entertainment, news, and the beginning of commercials.
  • Home Computers

    Home Computers
    In 1976 Apple starts to sell home computers.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    In the 1990s the internet starts making an appearance which allowed the spread of information from around the world in the one screen all to your access.