10 key dates

  • 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press in Mainz, Germany. This innovation revolutionizes the spread of information, making books and pamphlets widely accessible and setting the stage for mass communication.
  • First Newspaper Published

    The first recognized newspaper, "Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien," is published in Strasbourg. This marks the beginning of regular, periodical news distribution.
  • Telegraph Invented by Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph, allowing for the rapid transmission of information over long distances. This technology fundamentally changes how news is gathered and shared, particularly in journalism
  • First Commercial Radio Broadcast

    KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, makes the first commercial radio broadcast, delivering the results of the 1920 U.S. presidential election. Radio becomes a major platform for news, entertainment, and advertising.
  • First Television Commercial

    The first paid television advertisement airs in the United States during a Brooklyn Dodgers baseball game. This event marks the beginning of television as a major advertising and entertainment medium.
  • ARPANET Launched

    The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the precursor to the internet, is launched. This network allows researchers to communicate and share data across vast distances, laying the groundwork for the digital age.
  • Launch of CNN

    Cable News Network (CNN) is launched by Ted Turner as the first 24-hour television news network. This development changes the news cycle and creates a demand for constant, real-time news coverage.
  • World Wide Web Publicly Available

    The World Wide Web becomes publicly accessible, revolutionizing the way information is shared and consumed. It accelerates the decline of traditional media and the rise of digital media platforms
  • Launch of Facebook

    Facebook is launched by Mark Zuckerberg and quickly becomes a global platform for social networking. It plays a crucial role in how news and information are disseminated, signaling the shift to social media as a dominant form of mass communication.
  • Rise of Mobile Media

    The introduction and widespread adoption of smartphones lead to a significant shift in how people consume media, with mobile devices becoming the primary way people access news, entertainment, and social media.