10 Inventions of ressiense

  • Dec 27, 1000


    licker was invented about 6000 years and alcohol drink go just for
  • Jan 1, 1300

    mechanical clock

    mechanical clock
    The first mechanical clock was invented by Galileo in the 1300s for people to tell what time it was
  • Apr 1, 1300

    Eyeglasses or spectacles

    Eyeglasses or spectacles
    Eyeglasses or spectacles were invented in italy in the 1300s for people to read and look at paintings closely
  • Jan 1, 1456

    priting press

    priting press
    In 1456 the printing press was invented by Gutenberg so it would be easier to write and read
  • May 31, 1496


    Wallpaper 1496 in england there was a sawmill that made paper was made to make thing look good
  • May 22, 1578


    submarine was invented by Leonardo da Vinci in 1578 for a war ship
  • outer glass

    outer glass
    outer glass was invented in was invented in the Netherlands in 1590 and 1608 to see better
  • flushing toilet

    flushing toilet
    The flushing toilet was invented for Queen Elizabeth 1596 because she wanted a flushing toilet
  • Lenses

    Lenses of a microscope or telescope was made in Netherlands between 1590-1608 to see things better
  • Gunpowder

    Gunpowder invented by the chinese in 850 A.D because the wanted fireworks and guns