10 inventions during the Renaissance

By Soi3
  • 1600 BCE

    Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The steam engine was invented by Hero of Alexandria in the mid 1600. This impacted our lives because this contraption was used to pump steam for important things like if you get sick you could use it.
  • 1596 BCE

    Flush Toilet

    Flush Toilet
    John Harrington created the flush toilet and invented it in 1596. This impacted our lives because we use toilets to discharge .
  • 1590 BCE


    The Microscope was invented by Hans Zacharias Janssen and was invented in 1590. This impacted our lives because microscopes are used to find bacteria or diseases which are bad.
  • 1494 BCE


    John Cor created Whiskey in 1494. This impacted our lives because whiskey is used for parties or just to relax.
  • 1492 BCE

    Map Globe

    Map Globe
    The map globe was invented by Martin Behaim and invented in 1492. This impacted our lives because we use this to travel the world or to see where you are if you get lost.
  • 1410 BCE

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    Filippo Brunellechi invented this clock in 1410. Leonardo Da Vinci contributed in creating the clock. This impacted our lives because it helps us tell time.
  • 1400 BCE

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press was invented by Johannes Guttenburg in the mid 1400. This impacted our lives because if he didnt invent this we would not be able to print out important information
  • 1397 BCE


    Hermann poll invented the Harpsichord and invented it in 1397. This impacted our lives because this made music which we listen to.
  • 1360 BCE


    The cannons were invented by Chinese and Hindus and invented it in 1360. This impacted our lives because these cannons help people in the war.