10 inventions during the Renaissance

  • Jan 1, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    In 1440 Johannes Guttenburg invented the printing press. This was used to write and create books in a quicker way. It's an impact to today's society because now we are able to have plenty of books to read and learn from.
  • Jan 1, 1496


    In 1496 the first paper mill was made in England. This was used to decorate the castles. Without this our homes would be black in white with no color or decoration.
  • Jan 1, 1509


    Hans Lippershey invented the microscope during the 1509's. Without the invention of the microscope scientists wouldn't be able to study small bacteria's to find cures.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Pocket Watch

    Pocket Watch
    The pocket watch was invented by Peter Henlein during 1524. It impacts our life today because we can tell time.
  • Jan 1, 1581

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    Galileo invented a mechanical clock during 1581. This is a big impact because without it people wouldn't be able to tell time or know what time it is.
  • Frozen Chicken

    Frozen Chicken
    Frozen chicken was invented by Francis Bacon in 1593. This is an impact to today's society because without this we wouldn't be bale to freeze chicken or any other type of foods.
  • Flush Toilet

    Flush Toilet
    During 1596 John Harrington invented the flush toilet,he called it water closet. It impacts our lives today because if we didn't have this there would be no place to go to the bathroom.
  • Telescope

    The telescope was invented by Hans LIppershey in 1608. Without this scientist wouldn't be able to zoom in into small bacteria.
  • Matches

    IN 1680 Robert Boyle invented matches. Without matches we wouldn't be able to light up candles or use them when needed.
  • Gunpowder

    Gunpowder was invented by English and Dutch armies