10 inventions

  • Feb 14, 1366


    The Egyptians invented the scale in Feb 14, 1366. The reason they invented it was to weigh out peoples souls. How they invented it I have no idea.
  • Jan 1, 1430


    Italian inventor Galileo invented the clock in the early Jan 1, 1430. The reason he invented the was to keep better time. Galileo was tired of working on a project for too long so he invented the clock to estimate how many seconds, minutes, or hours to get his projects done faster.
  • Mar 3, 1430


    It was a Chinese invention that was made during on Mar 3, 1430 by fortune tellers that used something called lodestones. People noticed that the lodestones always pointed North.
  • Jul 4, 1446

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    It was invented by Gutenberg in July 4, 1446. Reason he invented it was to make books with little effort and it caused book to be less expensive.
  • Dec 10, 1486


    It was made by Leonardo da Vinci on Dec 10, 1486. It was made of cloth so air could not pass through it he never really tested it out himself, the reason he made this was because men could jump from height and land safely.
  • May 10, 1496


    It was invented by the English on May 10, 1496. The reason it was made was so wealthy people could hang it up to decorate their castle. The designs woven into the tapestries told stories.
  • Jun 13, 1578


    It was thought of by Leonardo da Vinci on Jun 13, 1578, but William Borne was the first one to draw out the scale model. Borne's submarine worked by using extra tanks which could be filled so the submarine would submerge. The tanks would be emptied for the submarine to surface.
  • Water themometer

    Water themometer
    On Oct 15, 1593 Galileo invented the basic water thermometer. He built it to allow variations in temperature. Galileo found that, if he used liquid that was less dense than water, he could suspend those liquids in a vial of water, which would rise as the temperature increased.
  • Flush Toilet

    Flush Toilet
    The first flush toilet was made Nov 30, 1596 by John Harrington. The reason why he created it was to replace chamberpots.
  • Matches

    An Irish man named Robert Boyle invented matches on Sept 25, 1680. He coated a small piece of paper with phosphorous and coated a small piece of wood with sulfur. He then rubbed the wood across the paper and created a fire.