Fort Sumter
Union forces had a strongjold in Fort Sumter, SC. Lincoln wanted to send supplies to them but Confederate forces didn't want this and threstened to attack. They fired the first shotts, and Lincoln declared war on the Confederacy the next day. -
1st Battle of Bull Run
Union General McDowell lead 30,000 men against Confederate General Johnston's 22,000 troops to stop their forces from encroaching on Union territory, and to lead Union forces to Richmond. South claimed victory and sent the Union back to Washington. General McDowell was replaced by General McClellan. -
Monitor (Union) vs. Merrimac (Confederate)
This was the first ironclad battle in history and it took place in Chespapeake Bay. It ended in a draw with retreat of the Merrimac after a day's worth of fighting. The Union maintained their blockade on the South throughout this battle. Also, it made wooden ships obsolete and ushered in a new era of iron warships. -
This is the bloodiest battle in US history. Over 26,000 men are killed, wounded or missing on both sides and slthough it officially ended in a draw, this battle prevented General Lee from advancing onto Maryland and he had to retreat back to Virginia. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Issued by Union Licoln, this piece of legislation stated that all slaves are free and that the Union will admit black soldiers. This was done to reduce the South's morale and to reduce their property rights. From this point on, the Civil War was a war over slavery. -
This battle lasted from July 1- July 4. The Union army defeated Confederate General Lee's army in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This is one of the bloodiest battle of the war and marked the turning point. It also marked the farthest advance into the North that was made by the South. -
Draft Riots
The government attempts to issue the draft and riots break out in New York and other Northern cities. In New York, 120 men, women and children were killed. Most were African-American and this all occured before Union troops could return from Gettysburg and stop the violence. -
Virginia Campaign
Ulysses S. Grant, a Union leader, marched 120,000 troops down south toward the southern capital of Richmond to aim at ending the war. This campaign lasted 6 weeks and lead to the death of 40,000 Union troops. -
Thirteenth Amendment
This amendement banned slavery in the states and gave Congress the right to enforce this with federal power and legislation. -
Lee Surrenders (Surrender at Appomattox)
Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Grant in Appomattox courthouse after several running battles in Virginia and Grant blocked Lee's way of retreat. Lee surrenderd when he realized that Grant's forces outnumbered his. All Confederate troops surrendered shortly afterword.