Lexington and Concord
First armed conflict.Confusing colonists mistaking it from what it happend to something that looks a lot worse. Someoner released by accident and caused the war to start up. People didn't know it was an accident. -
Fort Ticonderoga
Boston's defensive cannon and fort were defensive towers captured by Ethan Allen. -
Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill)
Long battle of sieging. 1 out of 6 British officers got killed in the American Revolution and died during this Battle. -
Invasion of Quebec
Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery failed to invade Canada -
George Washington crossed and re-crossed the Delaware river 4 times. Continental Army recaptured New Jersey from the British in 10 days. -
The Battle of Saratoga
It's the turning point of the American Revolution. French was conviced to help. Burgoyne has either thought that his armies are going to die or keep his 5,800 man. And so, Burgoyne surrendered. -
The southern colonies got pushed by the British.Campbell gained control of the city. -
After British won, they got control of the Southern Colonies. Continental Army got their largest defeat. -
King's Mountain
Continental army had a bloody war. Ferguson camped at Gilbert Town. The loyalists surrendered. -
American forces trapped British on Peninsula and so Cornwallis was forced to surrender. Great Britain: Forces: 8980, Killed: 309, Wounded: 326, Captured: 8007 The US Colonies: Forces: 20,600, Killed: 72, Wounded: 180, Captured: 0