Credited Discovery of Geothermal Energy
Michael Faraday discovers that electricity can be induced by changes in an electromagnetic field. Though Henry found it earlier, because he didn't publish it, Faraday is credited with the discovery. Essentially he discovered Geothrmal energy. -
Long Distance Oil Pipeline
The first long distance pipeline for natural gas was completed. It was a 2-inch pipe, 5 miles in length, and extended from Newton Wells, to Titusville, Pennsylvania. That same year an natural gas pipeline is completed in Rochester, NY made entirely of wood and 25 miles long. -
Hydro Electric Power
Grass Valley and Nevada City were the first Northern Califorinian cities to receive hydroelectric power, from a small dynamo at the Charronat Mine. -
Oil Petroleum Energy
The first airplane flight using a diesel engine was made. The engine was made by the Packard Motor Car Company, and was used in another airplane. It was an air conditioned, 9- cylinder, 225 h.p. radial engine, and it weighed 510 pounds. -
Solar Nightime Heating
(exact day/month unknown)
Hermann Oberth proposed orbiting giant mirrors to direct sunlight toward the nighttime portion of Earth for warming the surface. -
Hoover Dam Completed
Power generated from the newly-completed Hoover dam is delivered to Southern Californian power utilities which contracted electricity from the project. Because of the contracts, the federal government gave the green light on building the dam. -
Energy Provided for Worlds Fair
The first electric power generated by cosmic rays was used when rays were trapped by a Geiger-Mueller counter at Hayden Planetarium in New York City. The resulting current was carried by wire to the fair grounds in Flushing Meadows, and turned on the colored lights at the 1939 World's Fair. -
First Gas Turbine
The first gas turbine to pump natural gas was installed in Wilmar, Ark., by the Mississippi River Fuel Corporation of St. Louis, Mo. -
Folsom Dam
Folsom Dam completed. Power plant began operating in 1955. It was completed and fully operational on this date. -
Nuclear Power Plant
The first nuclear power plant in Antarctica began operating at McMurdo Sound