10 Events That Led to the Declaration of Independence

  • French Indian War

    French Indian War
    Seven year war that was fought between the British Empire colonies and the French colonies with the aid of many Native American tribes. It contributed to the Declaration of Independence because of the Treaty if Paris (1763) which gave the British a lot of land in North America. This lead to discontent of the colonists, who had to pay war expenses.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The stamp in 1765 imposed taxes directly on the North American colonists instead of taxing goods when they are traded. Also, it stated that legal documents and other paper work must have a tax stamp on it which only officials would bear and be able to stamp. Paying taxes for unreasonable paperwork and having British troops stationed in their houses angered the colonists causing them to dislike the British government for unfair treatment which contributed to the Declaration of Independence.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The Townshend Acts were rules and actions, conducted by the British Parliament, that taxed goods that were imported to America. This meant that the colonists had to pay an extra tax when they receive their goods. This contributed to the Declaration of Independence because the colonists are not happy with the British government for taxing their goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A chaotic riot in Boston what started with a British soldier and colonists that turned into a bloody massacre. It started because a mob of patriotic colonists started throwing sticks and stones at the British soldier but the situation quickly escalated and caused the death of several colonists. This lead to the Declaration of Independence because it showed that the colonists are tired of British rule and their unreasonable taxes; they wanted to be independent and have their own rules.
  • Committees of Correspondence

    Committees of Correspondence
    The Committees of Correspondence were institutions that were a system of communication during the American Revulsion. They spread news about how the British government was unfair and opposed British policies in cities in the colonists. They were one of the first ones to start rebelling against British rule as a union and creating a system of agreement throughout the colonies which helped the Declaration of Independence because it united all the colonies together.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a protest from the colonists who were angry at the British for putting taxes on unreasonable things, like tea. The colonists dumped out 342 containers of tea that was imported from India through the British East India Company. This was considered an act of treason by the British government. The protest for independence escalated and became the American Revolution.
  • Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

    Coercive (Intolerable) Acts
    A series of four laws that was passed by the British Government to punish the colonists of Boston (Massachusetts Bay) for conducting the Boston Tea Party. This closed Boston Harbor, increased British troops in Boston, protected British officials from being charged guilty for crimes, and new housing rules for British troops in America. This lead to the colonists’ discontent and sparked rebellion (and inspired the Declaration of Independence) because of the intolerable laws passed by the British.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    This was the first military engagement in the American Revolution. Is was successful in driving back British troops. It contributed to the American revolution because it was the beginning was the war and it was successful.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress boycotted British goods from being traded into America. It was a threat to the Parliament to take back the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts. This contributed to the Declaration of Independence because they sent a declaration of colonial rights to London to rebel against the unfair British rule.
  • British Attacks on Coastal Towns

    British Attacks on Coastal Towns
    British raided coastal towns during this time, burning down towns in Massachusetts. This caused the deterioration of the last standing relations between the British and the colonies. This lead to the American Revolution because it sparked more anger amongst the colonists (since their towns and houses are burned down) and they wanted their independence since they don’t want to be ruled unfairly anymore.