10 events between 1918-1939

  • November 1921: The Washington Conference is Held

    Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Portugal. They agree on an naval agreement for 10,000 tons and guns bigger than 8 inches for great britain, the US, japan, france and italy.
  • November 9, 1923: The Beer Hall Putsch

    Adolf Hitler and general Ludendorf lead a small contingent of harmless followers in the attempt of a rebellion.
  • May 11, 1924: The Cartel des Gauches wins the French Election

    the cartel is marked victory for the election but proves to be unable to govern effectively.
  • August 27, 1924: The German Chamber of Deputies Accepts the Dawes Plan

    the dawes plan to reconstruct the scheduled as Germans reduce the amount of annual payments.
  • March 1926: The Samuel Commission in England Releases Its Report on Coal Mining

    the samuel commission releases a report which advises wage cute for miners.
  • April 14, 1931: The Spanish Monarchy is Overthrown and The Republic Is Born

    a provisional government is established to take Spain from monarchy to republicanism.
  • March 23, 1933: The German Reichstag Passes the Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act gives Hitler the power to issue decrees with the status of law.
  • April 25, 1937: Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica

    The small northern town of Guernica is bombed, and civilians are gunned down as they flee the scene. In this brutal massacre 1500 die and 800 are wounded.
  • March 30, 1939: The Spanish Civil War Ends

    Madrid falls to Francisco Franco's forces, effectively ending the Spanish Civil War.
  • September 3, 1939: Britain and France Declare War on Germany

    In response to Hitler's continued aggression in Eastern Europe, Britain and France go to war with Germany in an attempt to stop Hitler.