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10 events

  • 1440

    Printing press

    Printing press
    The Printing press is a inked document with applied pressure. The press was made by Johannes Gutenberg. Gutenberg was born in the 14th century.
  • Heliography

    a man call Joseph Nicephore Niepce used a technique called heliography a way of making a photo by using bursts of sunlight to your advantage. he had apparently made the first photograph in history.
  • Kodak Camera

    Kodak Camera
    the Kodak camera (AKA the first portable camera) was made by a man called George Eastman in 1888 made a portable camera he called the Kodak camera.
  • Polaroid camera

    Polaroid camera
    the polaroid camera was made in 1947 by Edwin Land. a polaroid camera works because when the photo is ejected from the camera it gets squeezed between two rollers and spread chemicals onto the photo.
  • Color Film

    Color Film
    in 1963 Polaroid releases an instant color film. the film is mostly the same but it has the primary colors stacked over each other making the film sensitive to light
  • Nikonos Camera

    Nikonos Camera
    This camera was made in 1963 but the thing that was so special about this particular camera was that it was the first commercially waterproof. this camera was made by Jacques Cousteau
  • QuickTake 100

    QuickTake 100
    the QuickTake 100 was the first digital camera to ever come out. the camera was manufactured by Kodak for apple. the camera at release was priced at around $1000.
  • Kyocera Visual Phone

    Kyocera Visual Phone
    this phone was the first one with a camera often called the mobile videophone.
  • Canon EOS 5D

    Canon EOS 5D
    this camera is made by the most famous of camera companies Canon this is a modern camera able to take photos in 1080p in 120 hertz (refresh time).
  • Modern Iphone

    Modern Iphone
    the leading phone has the greatest camera in its line of products the Iphone 12. Apple is known for making phones with the best quality of cameras.