10 events

  • Air Pollution Control Act

    Air Pollution Control Act
    Investigate the health effects caused by automobiles. In U.S. alone, there are 74 million cars on the road.
  • Air Pollution Control Act

    Air Pollution Control Act
    To investigate the heath effects caused by automobiles. Just in the U.S., there are 74 million cars on the road.
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    It was a book published by Rachel Carson. The book talks about the amount of DDT found in human tissue had tripled. It also talks about all the chemicals in the stuff we use.
  • Automobiles

    83 million Americans own personal automobiles. From all the cars the pollution kept getting worse because all of it coming off the cars
  • Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Act

    Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Act
    Sets the first federal automobile emission standards.
  • Changing Perspectives

    Changing Perspectives
    This is when people was trying to say the pollution got worse because of the population. There were 3.5 billion people. People was trying to say that the pollution keeps increasing when more people come along.
  • Stewart Brand

    Stewart Brand
    He published a book, which list a variety of products helpful for self- sustainable living.