10 british wars

  • The Battle Of Lexington and Concord

    The battle of lexington and concord were the first military engagement of the revolutionary war. The Americans won and the british retreated back to boston
  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    it was named after bunker hill in charlestown,massachusetts also during the early stage of the revolutionary war. British won against the Americans the fight gave the americans an important confidence.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The battle of saratoga was marked the climax of the saratoga campaign giving a decisive victory. The Americans won and the British suffered a loss
  • Battle Of Long Island

    The battle of Long Island is also known as the battle of brooklyn and the battle of brooklyn heights. This is a british victory
  • Battle of Trenton and Princeton

    The battle of trenton was small but pivotal battle during the American Revolutionary War which took place on the morning of december. The Americans won British suffered a loss
  • Battle Of Vincenness

    This Battle was small but significant action of the frontier after a daring winter march. Americans won and the British surrendered
  • battle of Bohomme richard vs Serapis

    it was a hard won fight against there ships. Bohomme richard won the battle and sank serapis
  • Battle of Charlestown

    Americans suffered the worst defeat of the revolution and surrendered against the british
  • Battle Of guilford Courthouse

    the Americans lost but the british had a significant troop losses during the battle. british scored a victory
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Considered the last major land battle of the revolutionary war. the british surrendered and the Americans won