3. Netflix
Netflix allows you to watch movies and TV shows with ease. If you wish to stream it, or rent on DVD, Netflix can provide you with just about any movie at any time. -
2. Google
Google is probably the most used search engines in the world today. When it began in 1998, Google was simply a search engine. Now it has become something much more. You are now able to create an email, write documents, read the news, and so much more with Google today. -
7. Xbox Live
Xbox Live is a way for Xbox players to connect with each other and play with each other. There are currently 20 million Xbox Live users. -
1. YouTube
Ever since it's launch in April, YouTube has only grown. More and more people are using YouTube to watch videos that are entertaining, informational, educational, etc. YouTube is also the second most used search engine on the Internet. -
8. Playstation Network
The Playstation Network is a way for Playstation players to connect and play with or against each other online. It currently has 90 million members. -
5. Laptops
Laptops are portable computers. They can be used wherever you go. They operate just like a desktop computer. Some of the most selling ones are "Dell Laptops" and "MacBooks". -
4. Smartphones (iPhones, Androids, etc.)
Smartphones are very useful tools. They can be used for calling people, texting people, searching the Internet, playing games, etc. Two of the biggest selling brands of smartphones are the "Android" and the "iPhone". -
6. Facebook
Facebook is a social network where you can post status updates, pictures, videos, and more. It is the most used social network with over millions of people connected to it. -
9. Bing
Bing is a search engine. It is similar to Google, but it does not have as many features as Google. Approxiamtely 5 million people use Bing -
10. Computers
Computers are a huge part of our lives. They have allowed us to go online, send emails, talk to people, make calculations, etc.