Australia sm01

10 Australian Historic Events

  • The Dutch sail to Australia

    The Dutch sail to Australia
    The Dutch were the first to sail to Australia, but they didn't settle there. They canceled further exploration of Australia due to Aborigines attacking.
  • Period: to

    the total time of historic events

  • Captain James Cook sails around Australia

    Captain James Cook sails around Australia
    The captain names the area now known as New South Wales. Unlike the Dutch, he ignored the Aborigines and claimed the land for England.
  • Prisoners settle in Australia

    Prisoners settle in Australia
    British prisoners sail and settle to Australia. The British thought it was a good prison area because there were few indigenous people, the prisoners couldn't escape, and there were no other colonies.
  • Boundaries are set

    Boundaries are set
    The Australian government create the official boundaries for the colonies. The boundaries are still in effect today.
  • British Navy Base is Established

    British Navy Base is Established
    Even though the prisons were good, the Australian government had a better idea. They thought of using Australia as a navy base. It was a good area because the location would allow them to make repairs and send supplies to British ships.
  • Commonwealth of Australia Forms

    Commonwealth of Australia Forms
    During this time, the 6 colonies agreed to form the Commonwealth of Australia.Also during 1901, the immigration restriction act came into effect. It restricted migration to primarily of European descent.
  • Canberra Becomes National Capital

    Canberra Becomes National Capital
    On may 9th, Canberra became the national capital of Australia. Before, Melbourne was the national capital.
  • Aborigines Get Help

    Aborigines Get Help
    During the time that the british were in Australia, the Aborigines were treated unfairly. People took land away from them. Their land was invaded. Some Aborigines were killed. Others were taken from their family and were put into institutions. The customs and religion of the Aborigines were banned. All these bad things happened to the Aborigines. However, the Federal Government of Australia began to pass legislation to help the Aborigines.
  • Australian Act comes into effect

    Australian Act comes into effect
    During 1986, the Australian Act was passed. It made all legal ties with the British Empire get severed. Today, Australia has a Parliamentary Democracy (constitutional monarchy) with Queen Elizabeth as the Queen.
  • Independent Republic Idea is Rejected

    Independent Republic Idea is Rejected
    In 1999, the voters of Australia had to decide if they wanted Australia to become an independent republic.The results were very close. However, the decision was clear. 55% of the voters rejected the idea of becoming an independent republic. 45% approved the idea.