
  • Oct 12, 1492

    1492 conquest of paradise

    1492 conquest of paradise
    Event:Oct 12 1492 is when Christopher Columbus discovered the land known as the Americas.FACT CHECK: This event portrayed in the move was accurate to the actual event. CONNECTION: This day is now celebrated as Columbus Day in modern day as we all know.RATING:⭐️⭐️ I give this movie two stars because it was not interesting to me.
  • 12 years a slave

    12 years a slave
    EVENT: An 1841 Solomon was kidnapped in Washington D.C. by two men and sold into slavery. FACT CHECK: The movie was not entirely factual in the sean where they were planning to escape and one of the slaves got stabbed that did not happen he actually died from smallpox. CONNECTION: This movie educated americans about what happened to slaves in the south in this time period.
    RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ I give this movie three stars because I don't prefer movies about history.
  • Bill and Ted

    Bill and Ted
    EVENT:New Mexico 1879 where they picked up bill the kid in a bar. Where they went to play a game and someone thought bill was cheating so it turned in to a gun fight.FACT CHEAK: around this time bill the kid became famous for his participation in the Lincoln country war. CONNECTION: this relate to modern day because people would still cause a big seen for someone cheating. RATING:⭐️⭐️ I give this movie to stars because it did not keep me interested.
  • 10/27/2003 birth date

    10/27/2003 birth date
  • date of getting my cat.

    date of getting my cat.
  • anticipated graduation date

    anticipated graduation date