Indiegenous australians were not included in the Census
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders -
Indiegenous australians to be assimilated into a white society
indiegnous people boycott sesquicentenary celebrations of british colonisation and instead hold a day of mourning
The Universal Declaration of Human rights adopted by United Nations
US Supreme court rules segregation in US schools unconstitutional
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat for a white person
14 year old Black american boy was murdered for talking to a white woman
brought national attention to the issue of racism and discrimination in America -
9 Black american students try to enrol into a all white school
Us army is sent to enforce the right to attend the school -
Mixed group of black americans and white americans ride a bus together testing the ends of segregation
Excluded indiegenous people from certain jobs
250,000 people attend to hear martin luther kings 'I have a dream' speech
indigenous farm workers go on strike for equal pay and the ownership of there traditional lands
First aboriginal land rights claim -
Referendum to have indiegenous people be included in the census to which australia said 'yes' too
Removed indiegenous children from families and the children now becoming the stolen generation
Aboriginal flag is designed
Aboriginal tent embassy is established on grounds of federal parliament
Paul Keating gives 'redfern park' speech acknowledging past injustices towards indiegenous australians
Eddie Mabo wins ownership of Murray island
Native title act
Wik decision allows for native title on land under pastoral lease
Native title amendment act overturns native title
Kevin Rudd says sorry to the stolen generations
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