Period: to
Alfonso XIII
Period: to
Military Directory
Period: to
Primo de Rivera's dictatorship
patriotic union foundation
Creation of the National Telephone Company
National Economic Council
Provincial statute
Suppression of the Commonwealth of Catalonia
Al Hoceima landing
Period: to
Civil directory
Spain abandons the League of Nations
Hydrographic Confederations Plan
National Advisory Assembly
Creation of Campsa
Universal Exhibition Barcelona and Seville
Period: to
Reform biennium
first free elections
Period: to
Second Republic in Spain
Niceto Alcalá Zamora, president of the provisional government.
The Army Reform
Closure of the Zaragoza Military Academy
Telephone strike
The Catalans deliver Alcalá Zamora
Approval of articles 26 and 27
Alcalá Zamora resign
Miguel Maura resigns
Azaña is appointed head of government
Defense of the Republic Law.
Alfonso XIII is tried and convicted
Constitution of 1931
Niceto Alcalá-Zamora President of the Republic
Manuel Azaña head of government
Azaña Prime Minister
General Sanjurjo's coup
Approval of the Divorce Law
Expulsion of the Society of Jesus
Public Order Law.
Statute of Catalonia
Law of Bases of the Agrarian Reform.
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera creates the Falange
The Government recognizes the USSR.
Santiago Alba new president of the Cortes
Period: to
Radical-cedista biennium
clashes in Casas Viejas (Cádiz)
Foundation of the CEDA
Religious Congregations Law
The Azaña government resigns
Lerroux tries to form a government
Lerroux is defeated by Azaña and presents his resignation
Martínez Barrio forms a new government
General elections to Cortes
Rights victory. For the first time, women have voted. The anarchists abstained. The right-wing parties occupy 217 seats, of which 115 belong to the CEDA; Center-right parties: 160, and 96 are on the left. -
Lerroux forms a government with the approval of the CEDA.
Francesc Macià dies and Lluís Companys replaces him
Salazar Alonso replaces Martínez Barrio
Fusion of the Spanish Falange with the JONS
Foundation of the Workers Alliance
Martínez Barrio resigns as Minister of the Interior
The death penalty is reinstated
Amnesty Law
The Lerroux government resigns
Samper forms new government
The Samper government resigns
Period: to
The Revolution of 1934
Calvo Sotelo directs the National Block
Lerroux Formed Government by Members of the Radical Party
Lerroux resigns
Period: to
Popular Front
Alcalá Zamora dissolves the Cortes and calls new elections
The Popular Front is formed
Victory of the Popular Front candidacies
Manuel Azaña forms his fourth Cabinet
The Falange is declared illegal and José Antonio detained
Martínez Barrio is assassinated
JSU are created
Azaña is elected President of the Republic
José Calvo Sotelo is assassinated
Period: to
Spanish Civil War
Advance of the African Army
First session in London of the Non-Intervention Committee
Nationalist troops enter Toledo and liberate the Alcazar.
Franco appointed Generalissimo and Head of the National Government
The Condor Legion arrives in Cádiz.
Azaña and some Ministers move to Barcelona
Navalcarnero is in the hands of Mola
Defense Board is created
Germany and Italy recognize Franco
Franco gives up taking Madrid head-on
Period: to
Gudari attack of Villarreal de Urréchua
Period: to
Battle of Malaga
Period: to
Battle of the Jarama
Period: to
Battle of Guadalajara / Italian Offensive
Mola begins the Offensive in the North of Spain
Guernica bombing in the Basque Country
Period: to
"May Days" in Barcelona
Period: to
Segovia Offensive
Almería bombardment
General Mola dies
Bilbao falls into Nationalist hands and the fall of the Basque Country
Period: to
Battle of Brunete
Period: to
Santander campaign
The Northern Front disappears
The Government moves to Barcelona
The Republican offensive begins in Teruel.
The Republican Army takes Teruel
The Battle of the Alfambra begins
Teruel is reconquered by the Nationalists
Reconquest of Belchite
Lérida occupied by the Nationalists
Vinaroz is occupied by the Nationalists
Republican territory is divided into two
The Battle of Valencia begins
The Battle of the Ebro begins
Republican counterattack in Extremadura
Negrín announces the withdrawal of the International Brigades.
The International Brigades leave Spain
Republicans cross the Ebro
The Offensive to Catalonia begins
The Nationalists take Tortosa
Nationalist troops enter Tarragona
Barcelona is occupied by Nationalist troops
Azaña and Companys and aguirre move to France
The Campaign of Catalonia ends
Coup d'etat in Madrid
Negrín leaves the Capital for Paris
The National Troops face off
Madrid falls into Nationalist hands
USA He recognizes Franco and the Vatican sends him his blessing.