1.4 Evaluating Decisions

  • Joining Davidson

    Joining Davidson
    My friend has been part of K-12 for many years now. She had stayed at home for a while. In the iBook "Making Healthy Choices" it states,“One can also consider whether a decision had the desired effect.” She might have chosen to go to Davidson to get more time to spend with her friends, but she also had to change her whole schedule during the day. She won't be able to do things at her speed. On the other hand, she will be on the top of most of her classes, because she got ahead.
  • Running Part 2

    Running Part 2
    The path that I run on is quite long and eerie. The sidewalk doesn't even have many streetlights. On the path there are many potholes you cannot see. On the bright side, running at night is much calmer and there is no bright sun beating upon your head.
    If you look at the decisions of going to Davidson and running, you can see that both were made to make your life better. The difference is high school impacts your personality, while running only changes your body.
  • Running

    Just about a week ago, I decided I should start running to prepare for Track. So every day except on Friday and Saturday, I run about two miles. In "Making Healthy Choices" it states,"When decision outcomes are not clearly measurable or have ambiguous results—some parts good, some bad—is not uncommon for people to emphasize the favorable results and discount the negative." I know it will help my physical health, such as my body and endurance, but it is also unsafe to go running at 10 o'clock.
  • Looking Back

    I think the right decision was made when my friend chose to go to Davidson. It will give my friend parts of her childhood life. She most likely will look back and be happy with this decision.
    On the other hand, I think my decision for running at night was not the best thing to do, but running was a still a good decision. Running at night by yourself is dangerous. There are many scenarios that could occur.
  • Looking Back Part 2

    Looking Back Part 2
    "Once the outcome of a decision is known, the results may imply need to revise the decision and try again." As it says in the iBook, I am most likely going to change my running schedule to the morning because of the dangers. I never really thought about the topic very seriously.