1.3 Media Arts Digital Timeline - Changes in Movies/Films over history

By David_A
  • The birth of the motion picture

    The birth of the motion picture
    The first motion picture was invented in 1878, in Palo Alto, California by photographer Eadweard Muybridge. At the time, there was a large debate over whether all four hooves of a horse left the ground while it was galloping. To settle the debate once and for all, Eadweard took multiple photographs of a horse in gallop and arranged them into a motion picture. The photographs indeed showed that all four hooves left the ground.
  • Period: to

    Some of the first recorded motion pictures

    After being introduced to the concept of the motion picture, Etienne-Jules Marey invented the Chronophotograph in 1882, a sort of camera capable of taking 12 pictures every second. Then, in 1888, Louis Le Prince made the 2 second long film, "Roundhay Garden Scene", which some believe to be the first recorded motion picture. The invention of the Kinetoscope came around in 1890, while many others tried their hand at creating short motion pictures.
  • (1900 - 1920) The introduction of Kinemacolor

    (1900 - 1920) The introduction of Kinemacolor
    In 1906, Kinemacolor was invented, being the first successful process of brining color to the motion picture. The first movie to employ Kinemacolor was the 1908 film, "A Visit to the Seaside". Between the 1900's and the 1920's, many film genres were beginning to be invented, including the first ever sci-fi film, western film, crime film, and crossover film. While movies were gaining popularity slowly, it was still nowhere near as popular as it soon would be.
  • (1920 - 1940) The Golden Age for movies and films

    (1920 - 1940) The Golden Age for movies and films
    After the first world war, many were traumatized by the events they had to experience, and so films and movies were a good relief from the real world, if only for a little. When the great depression hit in 1929, movies and films surged in popularity as Hollywood became famous and films began to be produced in larger numbers. Cinemas began getting full as more and more people came to watch the films on display, to try and escape from depression in the real world.
  • (1940 - 1970) Awards and Recognition in Hollywood

    (1940 - 1970) Awards and Recognition in Hollywood
    While cinemas were reaching full capacities and registering all-time high numbers for the time being, movies continued to be produced, and African-Americans began achieving awards and recognition for their contribution to the cinema and films/movies in general. This time period also consisted of the first ever movie to have an animated character on screen at the same time as a real actor, as well as the first film in 3D, and some famous releases, such as "Psycho", and "The Sound of Music".
  • (1970 - 2000) The introduction of CGI

    The first movie to use Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) was the movie "Westworld", in 1973. However, CGI only really became popular in the 1990's. Many extremely successful movies were made during this time period, including "Star Wars" (1977), "Die Hard" (1988), and many James Bond movies. Because of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War in 1991, many people began looking towards peace and prosperity, which resulted in many people wanting to relax and watch some movies.
  • (2000 - 2022) The Modern Era of movies and films

    (2000 - 2022) The Modern Era of movies and films
    Now, with modern technology, 3D & 4D, huge screens, top HD quality, and amazing CGI, the film industry has greatly enjoyed a large amount of success, growing from a small series of photographs in 1878 to the huge, money-making, world-wide empire that it is today. I can hardly see how the film industry can get any more wide-spread or more enjoyable than it is today, but with the rapidly-growing technology and revolutionary new inventions, I suppose we never know what's possible in the future.