1.2 French and Indian War

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The war took place from 1754 to 1763 between the French and English. The English won the war, taking control of North America from the French. The colonists were not very happy with the outcome of the war because England put policies in place to make the colonists pay for the war debt.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    It changed the tax on imported goods from the Caribbean, making the tax per gallon .03 cents, this was cheaper than the previous .06 cent tax per gallon. It also made it to where colonial smugglers were now tried by British courts instead of colonial courts, this angered colonists because it made it harder for smugglers as Britsh courts were not lenient towards smugglers like the colonial courts had been.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    It affected primarily people that used a lot of paper such as Newspaper printers because all printed materials had to have a stamp on them, this stamp cost money to be put on these printed materials. Colonists were angered by this as they believed that if they were to be taxed then they should get representation. Colonists protested the stamp act by boycotting all British goods.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    It stated that the British could tax the colonies if they wanted to because they had the right to do so. The colonists didn’t like the things the British were doing to them, they saw them as unfair because they were British citizens but they weren't being treated like such.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    A new port of custom was created to stop smugglers. Many colonists reacted by boycotting British goods, women who were part of the Daughters of Liberty encouraged people to replace British clothes with home spun clothes instead. Merchants didn’t like the colonists boycotting because it affected the living they made off of selling these imported goods from Britain.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    This actually made the price of tea cheaper because it offered tax exemptions and rebates on tea that came from the British East India Company. Most colonists were mad simply for the fact that it was something imposed by the British, while others were upset that the cheap tea would affect the profits of smugglers and tea merchants.
  • Start of The Revolutionary War

    Start of The Revolutionary War
    This war was between the Colonists and the British, it was the start of America independence from the British. This war was the colonists reaction to all of the acts and policies that the British had imposed on them over the years, they finally had had enough and decided to fight for their independence.