Ws poppy field trees rainbow sky 852x480


  • 1.1 The Present

    1.1 The Present
    Chronological Age: I was born on August 4th 1997 in Livingston NJ. Making my Chronological Age is 19 years old.
    Social Age: My social age is around 25. I tend to relate better with adults and older people, rather than teenagers and people my age. I am more reserved and quiet.
    Non-Normative Life event: When I was 16 I began college, this was a non-normative event because I was much younger than my class mates.
  • 1.1 The Present

    Psychological Age:Comparing my Psychological l Age to other 19 year olds, I would say my Psychological age at around age 25. I have always felt older than my chronological age, my parents describe me as an "old soul". I do not think I make rash decisions, or act impulsively.
    Biological Age: By assessing my biological age, I would say I am around the same as my Chronological Age. I am currently in good health, I like to exercise by going for jogs. I also try to eat fruits&vegetables.
  • 1.1 The Present

    1.1 The Present
    Normative Age Graded Influence: Currently, I am a student at Gallaudet University. Going to college or university is a Normative Age Graded Influence because many people in the US at my age are either in school or in the work force.