04.6 American Revolution Timeline--People, Events, Causes, and Effects

  • John Locke

    John Locke was a tremendous influence on the U.S. Government, his idea was that each person had was to have the natural right of Life, Liberty, and Property. Locke also wrote the Second Treatise of the Government stating if the Government was to fail to protect these writes the people had the right to overthrow the Government. This helped to influence the Government because it gives us people our rights and helps us to be a self-governing country.
  • Charles Montesquieu

    Charles Montesquieu helped to influence America by giving the idea of the Government having three different branches, the Executive branch, the Legislative branch, and the Judicial branch. This helped to influence America because the three different branches are what make up the Government and without them, the Government would be a lot different which would also make America different.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War was between Britain and France to claim territory over North America. The war took lodes of money that instead of being sent to the colonies, went into weapons for the war. Not only did the colonies, not get the money that was there's but they were being taxed even more to pay for the war. As you could imagine the colonists were not happy with this. The French Indian war was one of the biggest reasons the colonists fought for freedom.
  • Sam Adams

    Sam Adams was one of the founding fathers of the US. He protested British taxation and helped to bring together America's Colonies to fight in the American Revolution. Sam Adams was chosen to represent Massachusetts at The First Continental Congress. Sam Adames signed The Declaration of Independence and helped to make this government.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was between the U.S. and British Representatives. This Treaty Represented the ending of the French Revolution war. According to the treaty the U.S. is guaranteed to the western territory. Frace forfeits all its land on Mainland North America. The Treaty of Paris affected history by making sure the U.S. and France would not go into war again and gave the U.S. North America.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was a bloody riot between the colonists and the British army. What happened was the British had sent their soldiers to Boston to enforce new taxes, when the people tried to rebel the solders open fires st the people killing 5 colonists and leaving 2 severely injured. This was just one of the minor fights that led to the American revolution. The Boston Massacre was one of the many reasons the colonists decided to fight for there freedom.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a political protest against being taxed without there consent. What happened was the colonized dressed up as Indians and dumped 342 chests of imported tea into the ocean. The Boston Tea Party was one of the other small crises that led to the American Revolution, which then led to America's freedom.
  • Boston Port Act

    The Boston Port Act was when the British demanded about $1million( in our money today) from Boston because if the amount of tea wasted after The Boston Tea Party. They closed the port so tightly that the people couldn't even get through to bring hay from Charles town for hay for there horses, and they wouldn't open it again until the 1$ million was paid. The Boston Port Act united the colonies into anti-British actions instead of separating the colonies.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress was when all but one of the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia to assemble the resistance to the Coercive Acts(a series of laws given by the government). The idea was that they were to boycott British goods until they recovered their rights. After this and a few more incidences happened that did not get the colonist's freedom back they started the Revolutionary War.
  • John Hancock

    John Hancock was one of the Bostons leaders then the American Revolution was starting. Hancock also the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence. John Handcock signed his name prominently to make sure George III could read it.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere was a silversmith, he took part in the Boston Tea Party, was the principal rider for Boston's Committee of Safety, and a patriot of the American Revolution. Revere is most famous for leading the Midnight Ride. The midnight ride was basically was he rode through the night warning people of the British troops were coming.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress was when the 13 colonies gathered met in Philadelphia to construct a functional Government. The point of this meeting was to assume the normal functions of a Government that included, appointing ambassadors, issuing paper currency, raising the Continental Army through conscription, and appointing generals to lead the army. The Second Continental Congress helped to rais armies directing strategy, appointing diplomats, and wright treatises
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was in the Virginia Legislator, the Continental Congress, and the Governor of Virginia while the American revolution was happening. Jefferson was one of the 5 people who wrote The Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson helped to influence history because The Declaration of Independence Is one of the most important parts of history to our Government.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence is the single most important piece of paper to the American Government. It is the peace of paper that says what our Government is, and the freedom and independence we have. The Declaration of Independence was written by 5 people who included Tomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. It influenced history because it says what our Government is and was made to represent our Government.
  • Hessians

    Hessians were German troops that fought for the British in the American Revolutionary War. The British paid them and since the Germain were having a harder time keeping there taxes low and public spending high they excepted the money. Washington made a proclamation that the Hessians were not the enemy and were just following orders. Altho the Hessians we innocent the did make it a lot harder for the colonists to win the war.
  • French Alliance

    The French Alliance's purpose was to create a military alliance between the U.S. And France against Great Britain. The French Alliance recognized that America was its own independent Nation and advanced trade between America and France. The French Alliance instructed that if the British broke the peace with France the United Stated would support them.
  • Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold was a hero in the American Revolution and fought for the colonists a general. Until 1780 when he became a well-known traitor after switching sides of the war to fight for the British. Benedict Arnold was one of the colony's best generals that they lost that day.
  • George and Martha Washington

    George Washington led his colonial forces to the victory of the American Revolution. George Washington was the first president and signed The Declaration of Independence. Martha Washington's role in the American Revolution was Goerge Washington's caretaker and is now known as George Washington's worthy partner. These two did a huge amount for this country because without George's leadership and Martha helping him, we would have most likely lost the American Revolution and our freedom.
  • Abigail and John Adams

    Abigail Adams was the strongest female voice in the American Revolution and the political advisor for John Adames. John Adams was one of the leaders of the American Revolution, and he helped work out the trendy with Paris. These Two helped to influence our country and the Government because without the Adames leading and all the help from them constructing our early yeared government America could be a lot different.
  • Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton was a founding father of the US. Not only did Hamilton fight in the American Revolution, but he also helped drat the Constitution, he served as the first secretary of the treasury, and chief architect of the American financial system.