My Timeline

  • the day I started walking

    the day I started walking
    I started walkng when i was 11 months old.
  • MY First Word

    I started talking at 1 years old and 4 months my first word was "mama"
  • Stinson beach

    Stinson beach
  • The Zoo

    I went to the zoo with my family and we all saw so many new animals my favorite was the polar bear because its was fat and fluffy.
  • My Bike

    I won a bike in third grade for honor roll and duh! my parents were proud of me and i alos was happy, and thats my first time I even sat on a bike
  • my grandmas death

    my grandmas death
    on august 26 my grandma died in belarus and we didnt get to see her for about 7 years and I still miss her.
  • 6th grade camping trip

    In sixth grade my class went to grizzly creek ,for a week and we did night hikes and we ate the best food ever!!!!! Also we amde a skit about bananas woth our cabin group.