Operation Thunerclap
Operation thenderclapRoyal airforce bomber planes raised one of the most horrible bombings. It was held at night. The allies were planning this. The effect was a succes. -
Japanese invasion of China
Japanese invasion of china
The Japanese invaded China. The reason why they invaded China is because they wouldn't allow them to expand any more. So that made them mad so they invaded. The effects of all this is that the Japanese lost all there occupation in China. -
Germany's invasion of Polland
German Invasion of Poland
Germany invaded Polland so that is could take over the soviet union. Towards the end the Poland soldiers had to surrender. So Germany was succesful -
German Blitzkrieg
BlitzkriegGermany used something called the Blitzkrieg. They used this attack strategy to attack Polland the Netherlands Belgium, and France. They where very succeful winning everytime. The reson why they used this is because this made the enemys troop disorganized. The out come of this all is that Germany became ery powerful. -
Battle of britian
Battle of britianGerman and British air forces attacked for awhile. The reason why it happend was because the attacks in the sky wasnt getting anything done. The effects of this was that this battle was a major turing point in the war. -
Operation Barbarosso
operation barbarossaHitler launches a huge invasian on the Soviety Union. He attacked them because the possed a very big threat against Germany. The Gemans failed in the end so that was a great turning point in the war. -
Pearl Hsrbor
Pearl HarborJappense fighter planes attacked the naval base on an island called honalulu. The reason why it happended was that they wanted to neutralize the United States. At the end of the batle the United states fianally declared war on Japan there for entering WW2. -
Wannsee Conference
Wannsee ConferenceNazi officials met to discuss the Jewish question. The reason why it happedend is because hitler wanted to eliminate all of the Jews. The effect of this was that months latter Jews were starting to get killed by the Nazis. -
Battle of Midway
Battle of MidwaySix months after the japanesse attacked pearl harbor the united states defeated japan in a very big battle. The reason why this happend was because the Americans of some very advanced code breking. The out come was americans victory and permant damage to japaneese navy. -
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of StalingradThe soveit union succesfuly defended Stalingrad againgst the german attackers. It happend because the Nazis bombed Stalingrad. the effects of this was germanies defeat and one of the bloodest wars ever. -
Opperation Gomorrah
Operation GomorrahBritish bombers raid Hamburg, Germany, by night while Americans bomb it in the day. The reasom why it happendend is that to cause destruction to Germany. At the end of all this Germany lost but they still thought that they would win it all. -
Allied invasion of itatly
Allied invasion of ItalyBritish was going to try to invade italy. It happend because of the defeat of the axis powers. The effect on this was a victory. -
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the BulgeHitler had attemped to split the allied army's. He attemped to use a suprise bitzkreig to do this. The reason why this happed was Hitler was trying neutralize the battle. But the outcome of this was that Hitler lost. -
Liberation of concentration camps
Allied troops moved across europe. The reason why they eliminated them is because they didnt want germany to kill all the jews. The effect in this was the complete defeat of germanys army -
Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of iwo jimaThe americans setup a base near the jappenes coast. Then they attacked japan. The effects of this was that japans changed its defense tatics. -
VE Day
VE DayVE Day is the day when Europe won. VE stands for Victory in Eroupe. The reason why this happend was because the Nazi forces surrendered. The outcome of this was the Europe had Victory. -
battle of okinawa
battle of okinawaJapeness try to use a different defensive strategy to defend there army aaginst the Americans. The reason why they did this so that they could fight at deeper depths instead of closer to the island. The outcome was that the generals on both sides died. -
Dropping the Atomic Bombs
VE dayOn August 6 1945 US B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. They killed thousand of people. A couple days later they dropped another. It happed because they wanted to defeat the japeneses. The effects of this was a victory in Japan. But they also are still dealing with the radition prblems. -
VJ Day
VJ DayThe Jappenes surrendor. They surrendered because of the bombing by the Americans. This lead to Germany surrending a couple months later then the war ended.