ww2 projecet

  • japanese invasion of china

    japanese invasion of china
    He took the name of Henry and continued to live in Beijing’s Forbidden City until 1924, when he was forced into exile. He settled in Japanese-occupied Tianjin, where he lived until his installment as the puppet leader of Manchukuo in 1932
  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    in 1937 over a period of 6 weeks, japanese army forces brutally murdered hundreds of thousands including soldiers and civilians.
  • German blitzkrieg

    German blitzkrieg
    the german invasion of poland was a primer on hitler intended to wage war what would become the blitzkrieg strategy
  • germany's invasion of poland ww2

    germany's invasion of poland ww2
    although 1 million strong the polish forces were severely under equipped attempted to take German head on.
  • fall of paris

    fall of paris
    On this day in 1940, Parisians awaken to the sound of a German-accented voice announcing via loudspeakers that a curfew was being imposed for 8 p.m. that evening-as German troops enter and occupy Paris.
  • operation barbarossa

    operation barbarossa
    On June 22, 1941, Adolf Hitler launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion of the Soviet Union: three great army groups with over three million German soldiers, 150 divisions, and three thousand tanks smashed across the frontier into Soviet territory.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    the pearl harbor is a u.s. near honolulu and was scene of a devastating surpise attack of japanese on december 7 1941
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    Six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States defeated Japan in one of the most decisive naval battles of World War II.
  • wannsee conference

    wannsee conference
    In July 1941, Herman Goering, writing under instructions from Hitler, had ordered Reinhard Heydrich, SS general and Heinrich Himmler’s number-two man, to submit “as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative, material, and financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question.
  • death march

    death march
    during this trek know as the bataan death march the prisoners were forced to march 85 miles in six days with only one meal of rice during the entire
  • warsaw ghetto upraising

    warsaw ghetto upraising
    from april 19 to may 16 during ww2 residents of the jewish ghetto in nazi occupied warsaw poland staged an armed revolt against deportation to extermination camps.
  • battle of bulge

    battle of bulge
    in december 1944 adolph hitler attempted to split the allied armies in northwestern europe.
  • battle of leyte gulf

    battle of leyte gulf
    This World War II clash followed the Allied landing at the Philippine island of Leyte in October 1944. The Japanese sought to converge three naval forces on Leyte Gulf, and successfully diverted the U.S. Third Fleet with a decoy.
  • battle of Iwo Jima

    battle of Iwo Jima
    Following elaborate preparatory air and naval bombardment, three U.S. marine divisions landed on the island in February 1945. Iwo Jima was defended by roughly 23,000 Japanese army and navy troops, who fought from an elaborate network of caves, dugouts, tunnels and underground installations.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    On this day in 1945, both Great Britain and the United States celebrate Victory in Europe Day. Cities in both nations, as well as formerly occupied cities in Western Europe, put out flags and banners, rejoicing in the defeat of the Nazi war machine.
  • d day

    d day
    during the ww2 the battle normandy. which lasted from june 1944 resulted in the allied liberationof western eurpoe from nazi german's control
  • liberation of concentration camps

    liberation of concentration camps
    auschwitz was really a group of camps designated I II and III there were also 40 smaller satellite camps
  • battle of okinawa

    battle of okinawa
    The Battle of Okinawa was the last major battle of World War II, and one of the bloodiest. On April 1, 1945—Easter Sunday—the Navy’s Fifth Fleet and more than 180,000 U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps troops descended on the Pacific island of Okinawa for a final push towards Japan.
  • dropping of the atomic bombs

    dropping of the atomic bombs
    Since 1940, the United States had been working on developing an atomic weapon, after having been warned by Albert Einstein that Nazi Germany was already conducting research into nuclear weapons.
  • vj day

    vj day
    On August 14, 1945, it was announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, effectively ending World War II.