Assasination of Franz Ferinad
Franz Ferinad was an archduke of Austria-Hungary, a country that was looked up to the 2nd most in Europe, next to Germany. When a Serbian man who's name is a mystery killed him, then Austrian-Hungary declared war to avenge him. So it looked like a minor war between two contries over a matter that would be easily compromise. But then alliances came in to play. Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary, so naturally they should join on their side. But Russia didn't like Germany, so they joined the -
Assassination of Franz Ferinad 2
Germany, plus they had an alliance with Serbia, they joined the Serbians. So it went on and on until almost half of Europe was in the war. But several countries stayed neutral, including President Wilson in the U.S who said this was a European war, not American. -
German Invasion= Britten enters
At the begining of August, the Germans invaded a country known for it's chocolatte; Belguim, in an attempt to get to France. They had a peace treaty between both sides because like a few countries in Europe, Belguim was not ready for war and wanted no part of it. But the German Chounciller just called it a scrap of paper and moved on, heading for France. This enraged the Britten, bringing them to the side known as the Allies. -
Austria-Hungary Invasion
Right around October, Austria-Hungary invaded Russia. It sounds like no big deal, but this really opened up the Eastern attack and started battles like the Battle of Stalloponen and the Battle of Lake Naroch. -
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The Battle of Verdun
The Battle of Verdun was a major battle of WWI because if the French lost they would be forced to surrender since Verdun was a city with a weak point to the railroad to Paris. If the Germans got into France, there was no stopping them. Fortunatley the French won from a tatical standpoint, but they lost a lot of men in the process. Germany lost almost as many. -
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The Battle of Somme
The Battle of Somme mostly consisted of the Brittish army firing shell after shell at the German army. After a few months even the High Command believed no one could possibly be alive in there. So the Brittish Soldiers got out of the trenches, sholder to sholder, and advanced on the German army. When the very much alive Germans realized the artiliry was over, they set up machine guns in the trenches and mowed down many Brittish soldiers. -
Zimmermann's Telegram
Zimmermann's Telegram was a peace offering to Mexico from the German ambassador Arthur Zimmermann. He was offering that the Germans will be using unrestritced submarine warfare and that if Mexico declares war against the United States they would get back Texas, New Mexico, and Southern California. Unfourtuatly it was intercepted, decoded, and translated to show the Americans what the note said. This was one of two major causes U.S joined the war. -
U.S joins the war
During the War, the U.S was trying to send supplies to Great Britten, which the Germans didn't like. So they sent a submarine after the U.S.S Lustania and sank it, killing 128 American citezens in the process. The Germans said that they would sink every American ship that they sent to Great Britten. America had no choice to not enter, and at that point, no reason not to either. The soilders arrived in France about 2 months later. -
Russia gives up
Ten days from Christmas, Russians sign an armistice with Germany, saying that they no longer wanted part in the War. This event was important because it forced the Allied Powers to step up their game because the Russians were a big part in the War. -
Wilson's 14 points
On this January day, President Willson declares his 14 points to permiment world peace. It is long and complicated, but it basically says that we should all be fair and just to each other, and if everyone felt their conditon was fair, then war and conflict would end. Click this link to access the site with his words to the people. -
WWI is over
On 11-11 at 11:00, the Allied Forces have broken past the Hindenberg lines, the last line of defence for the Germans. Finally they give up because their only going backwards.