Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and Wife
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Australian throne, visited the Bosnian capital Sarajevo. As the royal entourage drive the the city, Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip stepped from the crowd and killed the archduke and his wife. He was a member of the Black Hand, an organisation promoting Serbian nationilism. -
Gernany declares war on Russia and France; Great Britan declares war on Gerrmany and Austria Hungary
After the assassination of the archduke, war began erupting. August 1st, Germany delcares war on Russia. August 3, Germany delcares war on France. -
Hollywood Californina becomes the center of all movie production in US
Us center of movie production is Hollywood, This area prdocuces more movies than any other place on earth. Many propagandy based movies are made. -
German U-Boats sink the Lusitania and 1198 people die.
Geman Uboats sank the Lusitania on May 7. 128 american lives were lost in the attack, and Americans were outraged. The German defense was that the ship was carrying ammunintion, -
Albert Einstein provides threory of relativity
Albert Einstien, a scinetist from germany provives his theory of relativity. This theory was backed up by heavy evidence. It is one of the most famous known formulas. -
Alexander Graham Bell makes first transcontintal phone call
Alexander Graham delivers the first transcontintal phone call. This marked a point in history that changed communincation. Before, people would have to deliver messages area by area. -
Woodrow Wilson realected as president
President Wildrow Wilson is realected as president. He at first tried to propose nuetrality of the war, but then agreed that we needed to go to war eventually. After hearing Germany's offer to Mexico, Wilson was determanined to go to war. -
Battles of Vurdun and Sommy claim millions of lives.
The Battles of Vurdun and Sommy were some of the deadliest battles fought in WW1. Most of all of it were trench warfare. Disease also played a factor in the loses of the war. -
United States Declares War on Germany.
After intercepting a message that offered mexico land from germany when their war was won, the US knew that Germany had to be attacked. They joined the allied powers. The War would change many civilian lives as well cutting back on usage of materials needed for war. -
Selective service sets up a draft.
There had to be a way for the US to have enough soldiers to reinforce their regiment. So the draft was created. Women were expemt. -
Russia withdraws from World War 1
Russia was undergoing a revolution. Marxism had broken through as the main goverment. The country could no longer support to fight. -
Congress passes section act
Congress was able to pass section acts due to the war. On May 16, 1918, the United States Congress passes the Sedition Act, a piece of legislation designed to protect America’s participation in World War I. The Espionage Act, passed shortly after the U.S. entrance into the war in early April 1917, made it a crime for any person to convey information intended to interfere with the U.S. armed forces’ prosecution of the war effort or to promote the success of the country’s enemies. -
President Wildrow Wilson proposes Luauge of Nations
The League of Nations was proposed by wilson to unite all nations. The goal was to create a global alliance agaisnt evil. This was met with diverse reactions from other contries. -
The Bolshaviks establish a Communist regime in Russia
After the assasination of Marx, a new form of goverment established. The bolshaviks supported a communitst regime. This was the first widely used form of communism. -
The First World War Ends.
After many years of fighting, the war ends. The axis powers surrunder, leaving the allies victorious. The war created many damages and lives lost. -
Worldwide Influenza kills over 30 million people
An outbreak of the virus influeza occurs. Millions of people die a death of fever, vomiting, and other symptoms. It is highly contagous. -
Congress gives women right to vote in 14th Amendment
A milestone in womens rights, they are given the right to vote. It is the 14th Amendment. It was passed in 1918 and was long due, and many women were happy to be able to vote.